Outpost 32

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an Osprey carrying Jonah, Emma, Madison and the mercs were flying to the artic base, ready for infiltration, their plan was to awaken the Titan frozen deep below the base. The men loaded their weapons and begun to land.

Pilot: Outpost 32, requesting permission to land?

PA: Osprey 5 your codes are looking good, clear to land

Emma and Madison stayed inside and suddenly heard Jonah and his men gun down Monarch, immediately frightened by the gunfire.

Madison: i'm scared...

Emma: i know, me too...

Jonah then walked into the Osprey

Jonah: okay, let's go. *leads them both along with his men towards the base*

Emma: *ignores the bodies* keep your eyes straight, just as we said..

along the way to the elevator, Jonah asked his son, Asher about the survivors

Alan: survivors?

Asher: no, they tried to launch a beacon but we cut them off in time

Alan: they'll figure it out..

the team headed into an elevator where Alan tried to play a little expression game with Madison by covering his face with his hand, then showing his face smiling, Madison responded flipping him off, Jonah just gave a huff.

the team headed into an elevator where Alan tried to play a little expression game with Madison by covering his face with his hand, then showing his face smiling, Madison responded flipping him off, Jonah just gave a huff

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the team entered the llowest part of the base and when the elevator door open, they were all in awe

Asher: Mother of God...

Alan: she had nothing to do with this..

Alan: she had nothing to do with this

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Madison: Monster Zero...

Jonah: you have what you need?

Emma: *nods*

Jonah: Good! Let's get started

the eco terrorists  begun to drill into the ice and begin the place bombs, while Emma begun to scan for Monster Zero's bioacoustics, Madison in the meanwhile placed her hand on the ice

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