Intimidation Display

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Castle Bravo

Mark was looking over old family photos and videos of him, Emma, Madison and Andrew, he lightly smiled it all took him back to much simpler days, when he was happy, then suddenly, the place started rumbling, something was approaching Castle Bravo

Foster on PA: All personnel report to battle stations! Code Red! This is not a drill!

Mark looked around to see Monarch operatives panicking, something was up, he walked over to Ilene Chen to know what the hell was going on.

Mark: what's happening??

Ilene: something's wrong, he's never been this close before..

Mark: who the hell is he?

Ilene: who do you think???

on the screen radar showed him approaching

Vivienne: he's taking out our observation drones!

Ishiro: Trajectory!?

Rick: straight at us! closing in!

Foster: G-Team, Barns, Martinez, Hendricks i want you on those guns! NOW!!!!

Barnes: *runs* you heard boss lady! Let's move!

Barnes, Martinez and Hendricks strapped themselves in and begun to aim the maser cannons, Castle Bravo activated it's shields, covering the view.

Rick: Acoustics comin up! *Detects* he's closing in! He's not happy about something!

the base rumbled as he circled the base

Foster: Weapons hot! Ready to engage on my command!

but Ishiro stops her

Ishiro: stand down! He might not attack!

Mark: he will be if you keep those guns on him, I want him dead but for gods sake stand down.

Foster: alright, team stand down!

Barnes and G-Team deactivated the weapons and calmed down. Monarch listened carefully to him, his heartbeat was slowing 

Mark:....Open the shields

Rick: oh, yeah sure let's bring him in for a beer!

Hendricks: are you nuts??

Mark: let him know we're not a the Shields

Ishiro: *nods* do it.

The shields lock was deactivated and opened, Monarch and the G-Team was blinded by flashing blue lights

There he was, GODZILLA.

Godzilla was flashing his spines, slowly advancing towards the base

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Godzilla was flashing his spines, slowly advancing towards the base.

Martinez: what's with the light show..?

Vivienne; *shaking a little* it's an intimidation a gorilla pounding it's chest...

Sam: consider us very, intimidated...

Ilene: I don't think it's for us...

Rick: well, why is he looking right at our souls...?

Mark slowly walked closer to the glass as Godzilla approached, he had never seen the King up close like this before... Godzilla then moved backwards and vanished. Leaving the Monarch operatives sighing with relief

Sam: phew...that was interesting--


The force of Godzilla turning around and swimming away fast startling everyone

Mark: we gotta go after him! It could be the ORCA!

Ishiro: Dr Stanton, are you tracking him?

Rick: yep, all points lead him to one place: Antarctica.

Mark: good, let's-- wait... what's in Antarctica?

Foster: Barnes... contact the Argo

Barnes: yes, ma'am

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