Goodbye, Old Friend

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Back down in the Hollow Earth

The team were handing Ishiro scuba gear and a nuclear bomb to detonate in front of Godzilla to give his energy back.

Rick: First contact, you're gonna start losing your long-range vision. When you surface, motor skills are gonna start to fade, but I put a heliox mixture in the tank which...should help you stay stable a little longer....It was an honor. *shakes his hand*

Ishiro: Thank you *looks to Graham and hands her a letter titled "Ren"* Send this to my son

Vivienne through the tears nodded and hugged Ishiro, he looked to Ilene who shooked her hand and she bowed in response

Ilene: Nǐ shìgè hǎo péngyǒu ("you were a great friend")

Ishiro: *hugs her, then looked to Mark and handing him his book of notes* my notes

Mark; are you sure?

Ishiro: *nods* he fought for us, died for us, his existence is not only proof coexistence is possible, he is the key to it. Farewell.

Serizawa entered the sub with the nuke and was lowered into the water, tears streamed down Graham's cheeks, Ilene hugs her while Rick and Mark look in empathy.

the Marine sub turned around to leave the area immediately while Serizawa's sub entered the tunnel surviving the heated water. Serizawa resurfaced on the other side and saw Godzilla still laying down. 

He then looked at his father's stopwatch one last timeWithout a moment to lose he exited the sub with the nuke, got as close to him as possible before arming it to detonate.

Godzilla: *softly breathes and sees Serizawa approach* it''s you...I remember your face..

Ishiro: *nods and approaching him* Your Queen led us here to you...this will give you your strength the cost of my life

Ishiro soon approached his snout and placed his hand on his snout looking up at his eyes.

Godzilla: *a soft tear ran down his cheek* You don't have to do this....

Ishiro: forgive me, but it's the only way for us to survive, together.

(He is speaking on behalf of both Humanity and Titans)

Godzilla: *though crying agrees* Very well...Farewell

Ishiro: Saraba, Tomo yo....

The nuke detonated while the sub left the hollow earth and emerged from the ocean. After gathering their bearings the team got out of the sub onto the deck, Mark used his binoculars to look around.

Ilene: see anything..?

Mark looked once again with his binoculars and saw slight glowing

Godzilla rose up from the ocean his spines glowing blue and roared shooting his atomic breath straight into the sky, he then looked down on Mark and the rest of the crew getting closer.


Godzilla stared at the crew for almost 5 minutes before turning around and swimming away, at that moment the Argo arrived to pick up the crew.

Mark: i know how to find them...i know how to find them!!

the team boarded the Argo end begun to discuss what was happening now.

Mark: let's make him proud and not mess this up

Sam: how did he-

Ilene: by saving us

Foster: we just detected the ORCA signal in Boston. Godzilla and Ghidorah are heading there now. But we can't track it without the missing piece

Mark: i've got the missing piece *shows the signal piece* Emma combined the bioacoustics of Godzilla with a human. That's how she made the signal for the ORCA. We track it, find it and get my daughter back!

Sam: what about Oliver, Alek and Kevin back here?

Vivienne: Godzilla will bring balance.

Rick: oh, i get it, little Serizawa let em fight action! Used to love it when he said that!

Mark: no, this time we join the fight

Back in the Monarch Bunker

Emma was loading into a Hummer planning to find Maddie when Jonah arrived.

Alan: what do you think you're doing?!

Emma: getting Maddie back

Alan: Emma, you're putting all our lives in danger because your little brat is missing?

Emma: the ORCA-

Alan: the ORCA no longer matters, man does not control the laws of nature and neither do you

Emma pointed her gun at Jonah and his mercs responded pointing their guns back at her

Emma: i already lost one child...i'm not losing another

Alan: let her go...we have everything we need

as Emma left in the Hummer, one of the mercs asked Alan

Mercenary: sir, what's our next move?

Alan: Isla De Mara, local fishermen say they've got something "interesting" for us

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