Ghidorah Arrives

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Boston in Fenway Park

Madison was looking around with her binoculars when she noticed the wind changing direction and a massive storm incoming which meant one thing: He's coming. Madison quickly dashed inside and looked outside as the storm erupted while the ORCA was still broadcasting and then...He appeared, GHIDORAH!

Ghidorah: *roars into the sky as the thunder rumbles* 

Ichi: where is that foolish machine ruining my control?? Ni, San! Destroy the towers!

Both: on it!! *Bite off the towers, shaking the building*

Madison reacted quickly and unplugged the ORCA from the speakers but she then heard growling right behind her and turned to see chi's eye

Madison reacted quickly and unplugged the ORCA from the speakers but she then heard growling right behind her and turned to see chi's eye

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Ichi: there you are....

Madison: oh shit...

Ghidorah fired his gravity beams directly at the radio room, Madison quickly took off running as fast as she could she exited the building making her way across the stadium until Ghidorah stopped her, she tossed the ORCA straight at Ghidorah which he just stomped on.

Ni: you made a grave mistake ruining our control, insect! 

Madison stood up bravely as Ghidorah begins to charge his gravity beams to annihilate her.

Madison: AAAGGGHHH!!!!!

But then a blue beam of fire struck Ghidorah in the chest, knocking him far back, shocked Madison heard a roar far behind her


Madison turned to see the King himself arriving with the ENTIRE military with him, Madison smiled at the sight, the true King had come.

The Argo flying above with the air force arrived to

Argo Pilot: Colonel, all forces ready to engage.

Foster: engage Ghidorah with everything you've got

Vivienne: For Serizawa!

Godzilla and Ghidorah approached eachother

Ichi: why couldn't you just stay down??

Godzilla: cuz this is my home, my world, their lives are not yours to destroy and enslave! It ends right here, RIGHT NOW!!! *Roars charging at Ghidorah*

Ichi: pathetic! This is OUR triumph! And YOUR final moment!! PREPARE TO DIE!!!

Ghidorah roared and charged back the two Titans clashed and fought, meanwhile the Argo deployed an Osprey.

Sam: okay guys, our last detection from the ORCA was Fenway park! Get Madison, the ORCA and get the hell outta there!

While Godzilla and Ghidorah fought above, the Osprey carrying Mark, Martinez, Griffin and Barnes deployed.

Mark: *looks around* MADISON!!!

Martinez: I've found something! Over here!! *Shows* it's the ORCA sir! Looks pretty banged up! No sign of your daughter! She's not here!

Ghidorah grabbed Godzilla with each of his heads and rammed him into the ground destroying the nearby Osprey, stranding the team. Ghidorah attempted to wrap his heads tightly around Godzilla but then..

Godzilla: take... THIS!!! *fires his atomic breath powerfully pushing Ghidorah back*

San: not bad...but you're still outta luck! You're all alone-

Behind Ghidorah the sky was glowing slightly blue, back in the Argo, Ilene was making silent whispers

Ilene: Mo-su-ra... Mo-su-ra...

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