Godzilla/Mothra/Rodan Vs King Ghidorah

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Ghidorah charged roaring at Godzilla Mothra and Rodan, who roared and charged back and each Titan attacked one head, Godzilla went for Ichi, Rodan went for Ni and Mothra went for San.

Ghidorah attempted to blast Godzilla with his gravity beams but Godzilla tossed him down, he got back up but Rodan clawed at his heads with his talons pushing him into a building. Ghidorah got up and attacked Godzilla

Ichi, Ni, San: FALL!!! *push Godzilla violently into a building*

at that moment a beam of rainbow lightning struck Ghidorah in the back, he  turned to see Mothra firing her antennae beams, they shoot gravity beams straight back at her but she dodged easily and slashed at San with her stinger going right into his eye!

San: AARGGH!!!

Ni: Dammit! *struck by Rodan's fire breath* oi!!

Rodan: *shoots fire breath again* this is just like old times! You're gonna regret enslaving Quetz!! *slashes at but struck by his tail* oofff!!

Ghidorah attempted to fire gravity beams at Rodan and Mothra who both dodged and attacked with their beam attacks, all the while ignoring Godzilla who got up and slammed at Ghidorah's body with his tail, Ichi attempted to bite at Godzilla's head but Godzilla grabbed him at the perfect time and slammed him into San. Rodan then claws at Ghdiorah's back with his talons.

Ichi and Ni fired gravity beams into Godzilla while San fired one at Mothra and using their tails got Rodan off their backs. Godzilla pulled Ghidorah by the tails while Mothra and Rodan used their antennae and fire breath to further attack Ghidorah

Down below Madison made her way back to the Russell household and dashed inside after a jet fighter crashed just outside of the house, sitting down with her back against the door she heard the constant fighting and roaring, total fear overwhelmed her and she screams in sheer fright of the destruction right outside.

The King, Queen and Fire Demon continued kicking Ghidorah's ass through a building, with them combining their atomic breathe, heat beam and antennae beams into one attack Ghidorah used his gravity beams to form a humongous beam struggle with the t...

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The King, Queen and Fire Demon continued kicking Ghidorah's ass through a building, with them combining their atomic breathe, heat beam and antennae beams into one attack Ghidorah used his gravity beams to form a humongous beam struggle with the three hero Titans winning it and pushing GHidorh back further, the battle looked like it was going well, but as Ghidorah got up he noticed a nearby electricity generator, the energy inside should heal his wounds and supercharge his power up to maximum. Without a second thought Ichi rammed his mouth straight into the generator and bit down hard on it.

(Song abruptly stops)

the electricity in Boston soon was shrouded in darkness and a massive explosion of gravity beams erupted from Ghidorah's body

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the electricity in Boston soon was shrouded in darkness and a massive explosion of gravity beams erupted from Ghidorah's body

the electricity in Boston soon was shrouded in darkness and a massive explosion of gravity beams erupted from Ghidorah's body

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the jets, the Argo were all damaged by the bolts while Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan were struck violently by the beams, each Titan roared in pain as they were electrocuted by the beams, 

Foster: all remaining craft! retreat now! Fall back!!

as the forces did, Ghidorah was grinning, Godzilla's spines were no longer charged by Serizawa's nuke, Rodan's fire power had dulled drastically, Mothra's wings were severely damaged and singed. Mothra attempted to fight back but San and Ni bit down on her wings and was blasted in the chest by Ichi sending her down. Rodan attempted to bite at Ichi but was bit in the neck and tossed into a building. Godzilla was the only one who still had at least some power left. Ghidorah was winning.

Meanwhile the Hummer arrived at the now destroyed Russell house, Mark and Emma looked around.

Mark: MADDIE! Madison!??

Emma: Maddie!!! 

the team looked around and saw a hand sticking out from under rubble, Barnes and Martinez helped lift the rubble from a bathtub and there was Maddie, unconscious.

Emma: oh, my baby...is she breathing??

Mark attempted to wake her up.

Madison: *gasps for air and looks around* Mom...dad...!! *hugs them both tightly*

But the reunion was short lived....

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