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USS Argo

Inside the team were discussing the Titan that was in the Ice under Outpost 32

Vivienne: this Titan seemed to be another apex predator.

Ishiro: Emma called it, Monster Zero

Vivienne: it may have been a rival alpha to Godzilla, battling for dominance over the other Titans

Ishiro: Dr Chen?

Ilene: I've been looking through years of myths but it's like they were scared to write about this

Ishiro: as if it was meant to be forgotten..

Rick: bad news, we lost Godzilla, dropped off somewhere near Venezuela

Mark: dropped off?

Rick; Brooks was right it's a Hollow Earth

Everyone ignored Rick's rambles about the Hollow Earth theory

FosteR: everyone, eyes front, we're approaching the base!

the Argo deployed two Ospreys carrying G-Team and Monarch.

Vivienne: if Jonah is extracting genetic samples, they'll be here, in the labs.

Barnes: alright, men let's do this!

back in the base, the terrorists detected the Ospreys arrivals

Asher: their here...

Alan: keep em busy

Asher: launch reaction force, MOVE OUT!!

G-Team landed and infiltrated the base, carefully moving around through the tunnels, Barnes ordered his men to halt, the terrorists were close by

Barnes: *does a 3 2 1 gesture* 3..2...*explosion* AMBUSH AMBUSH!! 

G-Team came under attack from the terrorists, the fought back until Emma and Madison were spotted.

Foster: hold your fire, we got friendlies!!

Mark: *sees the footage and runs out of the Osprey*

Ishiro: Mark?!

G-Team split up in different directions to find Jonah and the hostages, Mark meanwhile crept into the base with a gun, when he came across Asher he pointed the gun.

Mark: let them go!

Asher then pointed his rifle at Mark only to get shot in the head by Foster who was close by

Alan: Ash!!

Madison: dad!!

Mark: Maddie! walk to me now!

Emma and Madison slowly walked to Mark but Emma pulled Madison back and picked up the detonator for the explosives set in the ice.

Foster; what the hell??

Emma: i'm sorry, Mark....RUN! *presses the detonator*

the bombs in the ice exploded, causing ice rocks to fall the terrorists along with Madison and Emma escape via elevator, while Mark helped G-Team escape in a separate one

as the base begun to collapse, Jonah's forces got into their Osprey and took off

Madison: what is dad doing here??

Emma: i don't know...

Alan: what are you waiting for? Wake it up!

G-Team along with Mark escaped from the base just as it collapsed and exploded, at that moment Emma selected Monster Zero's bioacoustics and activated them.

On the ground, Serizawa and the others looked at the large clouds forming along with the slight yellow lightning, Mark and G-Team looked down the massive hole to see stormy clouds

And then, there was growling....

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