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The military was now readying their plan to attack the Titans

Foster: this hurricane over Washington DC is where King Ghidorah was nesting, our plan is to lure him away from the mainland for evacuations to continue long enough for our submersible team completes their mission.

Nuclear missiles were being loaded into a Monarch submarine, overseeing the operation was Ishiro, Vivienne, Ilene, Mark and Rick.

Rick: so this plan of yours is called a "long shot" right?

Griffin: what are those guys think their gonna do down there with a bunch of nukes?

Barnes: didn't you hear Mothra, Grif? She wants them to bring her husband Godzilla back from the dead!

The Monarch crew entered the sub and prepared to leave lead by Mothra, while Sam, Foster and G-Team in the Argo flew to Washington.

As the sub begun to descend over the target area after being lead by Mothra, she flew away and begun to head strangely back to China.

Rick: *sees her leave on the radar* anyone guess where she's going if she can't swim?

Ilene: To lay her egg. For in case she falls in battle.

As Rick and Ilene talked, Mark saw Ishiro look at his father Eiji's watch once again.

Mark: what time is it?

Ishiro: time to get a new watch

Mark: Andrew's favourite joke *smiles* 5 years ago, you said i'd be saving the monster that killed my son..

Ishiro: sometimes to heal our wounds...we have to make peace with the demons who made them. In these times we can even find, Nature has a way of balancing itself, the only thing is: What part will we play? 

the sub suddenly started rumbling

Sub captain: status!

Pilot: some kind of vortex, it's pulling us under!! 300 to collision! 100..50...25..


Elsewhere, Madison was hastily gathering supplies from the bunker including binoculars, her plan was to try and stop the attacks using the ORCA, after realising where they were: An abandoned Monarch Bunker near Boston. The speakers in Fenway park should provide the sound needed, when she saw the coast clear, she unplugged the ORCA from the computer and took it with her, not before seeing her mother Emma alone in a dining room softly crying guilty. 

Soon after, she exited the gate and begun to make her way to Boston which was fully evacuated her next stop: Fenway Park. This was probably the best shot of stopping the attacks 

 This was probably the best shot of stopping the attacks 

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Elswhere in Washington DC

the Argo and the US Military were about to engage with Ghidorah, the city had been partially flooded and destroyed. The battleships and fighter jets were ready to attack

Sam: *looks at the massive storms* Jesus, it;'s like the whole skies alive..

Foster: that's because it is... *Sees Ghidorah's silhouette in the storm* Here we go....

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