Help arrives

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The skies flashed blue for a moment and in a blinding flash, she appears, Mothra the Queen sprays her silk straight at Ghidorah which pins him into a building

Ichi: ugh! Can't move!

San: Ni! Help us!

Ni: hang on I've got-- *sees Godzilla's reflection in the building* OH SHIT!!

Godzilla smashed Ghidorah through the building the sheer strength and force pushed Ghidorah down onto the ground.

Godzilla: stay down!

Mothra gave a cry about to fly at Ghidorah for a secondary attack, then the skies turned orange like fire. And emerged was Rodan flying right past Mothra at incredible speed and striking Ni with his beak.

Rodan: I'M BACK! *Shoots fire breath at Ni*

Ichi: *attempts to shoot his gravity beams but smacked by Godzilla*

San: *sprayed in the face by Mothra's silk* ugh!! Can't see!

Down on the ground Emma arrived in front of Mark and G-Team.

Emma: get in!!

A fighter jet was struck down after Ghidorah struck it with his tail

Barnes: INCOMING!!!

the jet crashed in front of the crew and badly wounding Griffin with a piece of metal lodged in her leg

Emma: GET!! IN!!!

Barnes and Martinez helped Griffin get into the Hummer along with Mark and they drove off while the 4 Titans Duke it out.

Mark: where's Madison??

Emma: I don't know! I thought she was there!

Mark: well she's not there!

Barnes: *trying to heal Griffin* hey, take it easy! Take that slab!

Martinez: okay, okay!!

Mothra was dodging gravity beams when one struck a nearby attack helicopter sending it crashing down.

Mark: lookout!!

Emma swerved out of the way

Mark: I hope you are as good at finding her as well as loosing her!

Emma: I didn't loose her, she ran away!


Barnes: can't blame that kid..if i had you two for parents, i'd run away to!

Emma immediately slammed on the brakes and turned to Barnes

Emma: what did you just say??

Barnes: i said: If i  had you two for parents, i'd run away to!

Mark and Emma: *look at eachother* home...

back with the Titans Ghidorah pushed each of the three back, Mothra landed on Godzilla's back while Rodan stayed in the air, Ghidorah shook his tails and raised his wings to intimidate. But the King, The Queen and the Fire Demon were unfazed. 

Godzilla: Just like old times

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Godzilla: Just like old times...

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