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Outpost 56 Isla De Mara, Mexico

The outposts operatives were going nuts trying to respond to the shut down

Scientist: the whole network is down! It's not looking good!

Then the Outposts loudspeakers begun to generate a strange sound, it was the ORCA signal, Emma was broadcasting it to awaken the Titan.

Scientist: *checks the computer* It's vitals are picking up and heartbeat elevated!! It's gonna break free any moment!!!

The volcanoes seal then broke off and a massive claw emerged from the lava, and then the head and body of a large pteranodon

The creature rose and gave a large screech, the citizens of Isla De Mara watched in shock and horror, meanwhile in the Argo, the team watched everything that just happened on the monitors

Vivienne: we're too late...Emma already awoke the specimen!

Mark: name for this guy?

Ilene: legends call him Rodan: The Fire Demon

Mark: and here I was thinking it was friendly...

The team then noticed a massive storm all around them with yellow lightning, the Argo and the fighter squad was completely surrounded by it.

Raptor pilot: Argo, seems like a big tropical storm has suddenly appeared...*struck by lightning* I'm hit!! Going down!! *Jet falls out of the sky*

Rick: we just lost one of our raptors!

Sam: *looks at the radar* errr guys...I wouldn't call it a storm

The team then saw in a true jumpscare moment, Monster Zero appearing right in front of them and roaring, he must have followed the Argo!

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The team then saw in a true jumpscare moment, Monster Zero appearing right in front of them and roaring, he must have followed the Argo!

Barnes: SHIT!!!!

Meanwhile back on the volcano, Rodan saw the jet fighter crash nearby.

Rodan: huh? *Sees the large storm and the silhouette of Monster Zero* I should have known.... *Screeches spreading his wings and takes off*

Rodan flew over the village, causing a massive dust storm, thankfully nobody was injured, albeit a few damaged windows and vehicles.

Back in the storm however, the Argo and the squadron was leading Monster Zero to Rodan with the hopes off losing his tail on them.

Ni: get back here!! *Fires gravity beams*

Rick: Argo to squadron let's lure this dragon straight to Rodan, ETA two minutes!

Jet fighter pilot leader: copy that!

The jets fired their missiles at Monster Zero who blocked them and attacked each jet.

Foster: Raptor 22 he's on your tail get out of there!!

Raptor 22's pilot ejected to safety.... only to get caught in San's mouth.

As Rodan flew towards the storm, he saw the Argo and it's squadron trying to lead Monster Zero towards him.

Rodan: they're leading him right to me! Well, thank you for that! hang on!! *Flies faster*

Monster Zero had destroyed all the fighter jets and advanced on the Argo even more

Rick: we lost the squadron, ETA to Rodan in 30 sec----10 SECONDS!!!

The team saw Rodan flying straight towards them at speed.

Foster: Dive!!! DIIIIVE!!!!!

The Argo flew down, under Rodan safely avoiding him

Rodan: *screeches at Monster Zero* We meet again!!

Monster Zero: prepare to die, Fire Demon!!

Monster Zero: prepare to die, Fire Demon!!

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