Spitka/Phoenix vs. Jagus/StingClaw

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South Korea

Scientist: Looks like he's not responding to his call

Spitka, wasting no time, begun to hunt down Jagus, while Phoenix was not far behind tracking Stingclaw

Both good Titans met up and explained their plan.

Phoenix: as Mothra said, two evil Titans will be looking for him, Jagus and Stingclaw are heading for the nearest Hollow Earth entrance, we need to stop them fast

Spitka: right, mind if I take down Jagus while you deal with Stingclaw? He is my rival like Godzilla is with Ichi, Ni and San.

Phoenix: don't see why not, let's go. As for me, I've been wanting to deal with that overgrown scorpion for sometime as well!

Later in the Sahara desert

Stingclaw and Jagus were both looking for an entrance into the Hollow Earth, ordered by Monster Zero for something. Bad luck was Jagus was bad at navigation.

Stingclaw: face it, we're lost!

Jagus: no we're not!

Stingclaw then came across a hollow part of the desert ground, they had found the entrance, but before they could attempt to enter.

Spitka and Phoenx: we cannot let you do that!

the two Rogue Titans turned to see the Prince of Earth and Goddess of Fire. Seemingly surprised that they were going to try and stop them

Jagus: Spitka! It's been a long time since I last saw you! You look even...tastier

Stingclaw: stay out of our way! Our new king has ordered us to "deal" with the old one

Spitka: But you have to go through us first!

Phoenix: that's right, why don't we quite blabbing and fight!

Jagus: exactly our thoughts!

the four TItans each clashed with eachother with Spitka wrapping around Jagus who broke free and bit into his back. Stingclaw attempted to pinch at Phoenix who dodged and grabbed him with her talons slamming him into the ground.

Stingclaw: ugh! thinks haven't changed in the last couple thousand years! 

Phoenix: that's the way we like it! *uses fire attack which sends the scorpion crashing into a heap of sand*

Spitka: *bites Jagus and tosses him* you're always a pain in the ass, Jagus! Today this ends!

Jagus: ha! pathetic! *swipes at him with his claws yet slapped hard by his tail* ooff!

Jagus and Spitka wrestle eachother more, the scratching, wrapping, biting and then Jagus what hit in the face by Spitka's electric breath, sending him down. Though it didn't kill him, it just made Jagus angry, VERY angry the giant mongoose tackled Spitka violently.

Phoenix and Stingclaw continue to battle eachother with Stingclaw managing to get the upper hand by grabbing her with his pincers and slamming her side to side. Spitka meanwhile was in a chokehold by Jagus, struggling to breath.

Jagus: hehe! It's over for you, Spitka! After this i'm gonna fry you! or boil you! or heck, why not both?! hahaha!! *feels a sharp pain through his torso*ugh...ack...

Spitka's tail completely pierced through Jagus' torso

Spitka: sorry, Jagus. Dinner's cancelled *pulls his tail out*

Jagus fell to the ground in pain

Meanwhile Stingclaw and Phoenix were still going at it. Stingclaw had pinned her with his pincers and attempted to sting her with his stinger tail. She dodged each time he tried to slam it down on her face but Phoenix dodges at the right time, grabs the stinger with her beak and jams it into Stingclaw's chest.

Phoenix: yep, you got stung by your own stinger *pushes him onto his back*

The Scorpion was forced to flee the area along with Spitka, defeated

Stingclaw and Jagus: THIS ISN'T OVER!!

Spitka and Phoenix roared in triumph


Emma was following Madison after a heated argument.

Emma: Maddie please-

Madison: get away from me!!

Emma: I know things have not gotten according to plan but---

Madison: according to plan!? You said you were gonna release them one at time and you'd restore balance!!

Emma: they were gonna takeover Monarch and kill the Titans I had no choice!

Madison: bullshit!!! What about Andrew?! You think he'd want this?? *Emma was quiet* exactly... *Locks herself in a radar room*

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