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After touching down, Serizawa and Graham ordered a meeting

Gathered at the meeting was other Monarch members such as Rick Stanton and Ilene Chen. Along with G-Team which consisted of Barnes, Martinez, Griffin and Hendricks lead by Colonel Foster

Vivienne: as you know, at 0700 hours, out containment sight 61 was raided, only Emma Russell and her daughter Madison were taken hostage, the specimen known as Mothra escaped, she cocooned herself under a nearby waterfall. This is the man responsible *shows file* Alan Jonah, former British army colonel turned ecoterrorist, obsessed with restoring natural balance.

Martinez: what the hell is someone gonna wanna do with a giant worm?

Rick: you kidding, Martinez what can't you do with it? Weapons, food. Hell, there's not one government or corporation that doesn't wanna get it's hand on these suckers. And remember, that's just a larva, that's a baby, after it cocoons something much much bigger is gonna come out, something far worse.

Ilene: i would disagree on the "worse" part, Rick

Rick: Yeah? wait for it, Chen

Foster: We believe Jonah intends to capture this specimen alive, at 0900 we'll launch a-

Mark: i wouldn't bother...

Foster: excuse me?

Mark: they already got Emma and the ORCA, why would they go after this one thing when they got the keys to the entire kingdom here?! They might wanna go after something bigger.

Foster: right...

Ishiro: Mark, they know what they are doing this is no--

Mark: it's not just a giant worm i got a wife and a daughter out there, for gods sake

Sam: nobody's forgotten that, but we still need your advice--

Mark: i advise you to kill these bastards, all of them! *points to the footage of Godzilla* especially HIM! Kill them and the ORCA's useless...*walks away*

Barnes: the dude hates Titans...

Sam: yeah, well, you'd as well if you were him...

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