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In the kitchen of Emma's home, was her now much older daughter, Madison. She was looking through her laptop emails reading an email from her father.

"Hey, Maddie how have you been? Check out these wolves aren't they cute?"

She smiled and begun to reply back.

"Hey, Dad. I've been meaning to talk to you, it's about Mom"

Before she could send however, she heard rapid beeping from the smoke alarm.

Madison: *removes earplugs* Shit! Shit! Shit!! *Tries to put it out, getting Emma's attention* eeerrr...good morning!

Emma: Maddie? Oh god

Madison; morning, Mom!

Emma helped stop the cooker and switch off the alarm

Madison; I made us eggs, toast and...what was once bacon *chuckles nervously*

Emma; *raises eyebrow* and what do you prefer?

Madison; the toast and eggs. *Rubs head*

The mother and daughter settled down after the chaos and spoke to eachother.

Madison; dad's been emailing me

Emma: how is he?

Madison; he looks good, in fact I'd say he's looking way better now.

Emma: glad to hear *smiles*

Then they heard rumbling as the house begun to shake as if there was an earthquake, suddenly they heard the cry of a long dormant creature.

Emma and Madison looked out the window of their jungle home just when a Monarch scientist contacted Emma

Madison; it's gonna be okay...

Scientist: Dr Russell, we need you in containment.

Emma: we'll be right there...

Emma: we'll be right there

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Godzilla: King Of The Monsters(AU Version)Where stories live. Discover now