Foiled Plans

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Washington DC

Meanwhile back in Washington the battle wasn't going well how many battleships went down along with aircraft carriers King Ghidorah was still unfazed by none of the attacks, he was invincible. Things looked extremely grim.

Griffin: Argo! We are low on fuel and red on ammo, we cannot take much more of this!!

Foster: just hold them off as long as you can!

All of a sudden around the world the Titans stopped attacking and calming down.

Sam: colonel! The Titans seem to have stopped attacking!

Foster: what the hell has gotten into them now?!?

Meanwhile in Fenway park in Boston, Madison was broadcasting the ORCA using the stadiums speakers, which successfully stopped the other Titans attacking and freeing them from Ghidorah's control.

Meanwhile in the old bunker, Emma entered the main room to find what the fuss was about.

Emma: what happened??

Alan: The ORCA...*points* i wonder who could have done this?

Emma: *quickly dashed to the map room to find Madison gone* Maddie?...Maddie? *picks up a smashed tablet with the image of the Russell family*...

Meanwhile in China, Mothra emerged from the forest after laying her egg and sensing the Titans no longer rampant.

Mothra: Whoever did this, must've had good intentions. Now i must find Rodan and hope the humans heal Godzilla soon *begins to fly away and find Rodan*

elsewhere back in Washington, Ghidorah was ENRAGED, why wasn't any of the Titans obeying him now?

Ni: What is going on?? Who is doing this?

Ichi: someone has disrupted our control over the Titans! They must be stopped! San, where's it coming from?

San: i don't know but it's emitting sonars that stopped our control! 

Ghidorah roared in anger and begun to fly upward and headed for the ORCA signal's location, Madison was completely unaware of the danger heading her way...

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