Monster Zero

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First, a single tail rose up, then a dragon head, then a second tail, the second head and the middle dragon head emerged. Monster Zero was awoken and looking down on the G-Team and Monarch.

Barnes: you've gotta be fucking kidding me...

Monster Zero slammed one of its tails close by and roars to the thunder

Barnes: oh hell no!! Fall back!!

Martinez: Get to the chopper!!

Monster Zero: *roars and begins to spread it's wings*

Mark, Barnes and Martinez made it to the Osprey

Hendricks: *with other G-Team soldiers* OPEN FIRE!!!

Hendricks and his men fired their guns at the heads of Monster Zero as they got extremely close, the left head begun to sniff and nuzzle the troops but the middle head snarled, telling him to knock it off.

Monster Zero's heads begun to glow yellow as it was charging up a deadly attack.

Monster Zero's heads begun to glow yellow as it was charging up a deadly attack

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Hendricks: oh, shi---

Monster Zero: *fires his gravity beams which completely disintegrated Hendricks and his men and frying the Ospreys controls*

In the terrorists Osprey, Madison watched in horror as Monster Zero lurked closer to the team, she then looked at the ORCA in Emma's hands

Monster Zero: *pushes the Monarch Osprey around and begins to attack it*

Madison: *snatches the ORCA from Emma and begins to tamper with it provoking Monster Zero*

Emma: Madison! Maddie, no!!

Monster Zero roared in anger, Jonah pulled Madison back and Emma picked up the ORCA, seeing Monster Zero about to charge his gravity beams she deactivates it, confusing the heads.

Head 1: hey! What happened?

Head 2: I dunno

Head 1: hey, *bites the third head by the horns* focus!

Head 3: ouch, sorry!

But before Monster Zero could crush the Monarch Osprey, something was approaching, on the radar revealed a Titan coming in

Titanus Gojira

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