p r o l o g u e

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Note: The meanings of Urdu words are given at the end of the chapter.

•  n o o r 

Tick tock. Tick tock.

There was probably something wrong with the clock today because there was no way time was passing this slowly. I could bet I had been staring at the it for almost ten minutes but only three minutes had passed on that stupid machine.

"Ya Allah Noor, are you going to feed this to your in-laws?" I heard Mama's voice from my left, that broke my trance and reminded me that I was supposed to turn the heat low. What was supposed to be chicken curry was now turned into charred chicken, leaving no chance of rescue. "What will we serve them now?" She panicked.

"They are coming the day after tomorrow. Why are we cooking food today?" Maheen's irritated voice echoed from the lounge.

"We are cooking. You are watching TV." I shouted back and then turned to Mama with an apologetic look on my face, that I knew would work on her.

Sighing, she walked over to the refrigerator to pull out another packet of raw chicken. "Who knows if the boys get to eat any good food in America? They probably feed on bland--- What was that weird thing you were eating yesterday?"

"Mac n Cheese." I said, my eyes once again diverting to the clock. Why isn't it 11 o' clock yet?

"Ah, my poor son in law." She whispered under her breath as she marinated the chicken.

"Besides, there are many South Asian restaurants where they live." I replied and when Mom turned her head towards me, I immediately added, "Afshan aunty told me."

"She did?" Maheen entered the kitchen with a mischievous smile on her mouth. "What else did she say?"

Giving her a hard glare, I responded, "She was congratulating me on my graduation." It wasn't a complete lie; Afshan aunty did call me two days ago to congratulate on getting the gold medal.

"Oh, so it's Afshan Aunty you talk to every night?" Maheen whispered in my ears and I gasped, whipping my head towards Mama to check if she had heard anything.

"I am going to kill you, Mahi." I threatened her by pinching her arm.

"Ow." She winced and kicked me back.

Before our fight could prolong, I stared at the clock and realized that it was finally 11. A smile broke on my lips and I pushed her away, rushing out of the kitchen.

"Noor! Grind the garam masala first." Mama called me from behind.

"I am sleepy. I'll do it tomorrow." I shouted back and ran towards my room.

"Noor beta, can you help me? My iPad isn't working." Dado called me while I was rushing to my room.

"Sure, Dado." I hurriedly walked into my grandmother's room to help her. My eyes drifted to the clock repeatedly and I shifted on my feet in agitation. Once it was finally on, I handed it back to her and ran out of her room, ignoring her curious glances on me.

Finally inside my room, I locked the door and sprung towards my bed, pulling out my ringing phone from underneath the pillow. Picking up the call, I lay down on my stomach and rested the phone against my ears.

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