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• n o o r •

It had been five days since Faaris' injury. He was a lot better now but he still needed to be looked after. I had taken a 10-day leave from work and thankfully, my boss was aware of Faaris' injury so I didn't have to persuade him.

"You know what I was thinking?" I said to Faaris as I patted his mouth with the handkerchief. 

"Hmm?" He nodded.

"Your hand looks fine. You can eat by yourself." I pointed out. He was good enough to do everything else by himself but whenever it is time to eat, he acts like a big baby.

"But the food tastes better when you feed me." He smirked and I blushed deep red at this. I punched his chest in protest and he winced. 

"Sorry." I immediately regretted it. I had forgotten he still had some bruises from the accident.

“It’s okay.” He pouted.

Afterwards, he went back to reading a book- a hobby he had picked up these days- and I went to the bathroom to take a warm bath. Dressed up in my black satin pyjama set, I wrapped my hair in a towel and went back to the room. 

As I dried my hair with the towel, I felt Faaris' eyes on me. Even after knowing I had caught him, he kept looking at me with a smirk. Without having his work to keep him occupied, he had found new interests, one of which was making me blush. Damn him!

To counter his attack, I went towards him and leaned over him to reach my mobile that was on the other side of the bed. My hair brushed against his face and I felt him sniff them. His smirk had faltered a little and now was replaced by a look of revenge.

"Noor, can you help me out of my shirt? My arm hurts." He said in a sweet saccharine tone.

My eyes widened momentarily as he had not asked me to help him change even the day of the accident. Pretending to not care, I took out a T-shirt from his closet and then went towards him. 

Carefully, I lifted his T-Shirt over his head, revealing his taut skin and lean muscles. He had my ideal body type, not too muscular, not too bulky, just lean and hard. I have seen him without a shirt before but never from this close. 

Before I could help him in the other shirt, he said, "You forgot to apply the cream."

"Huh?" I asked.

"The balm for the bruises, the one that Mom sent." He said, reminding me.

"Y… yeah." I gulped the ball of saliva down my throat. Suddenly, the cold room felt warm.

I took out the balm from the drawer and then opened the lid. He knew what he was doing and too bad, it was working. 

Scooping some of the brownish gel in between my fingers, I rubbed it on his shoulder. My fingers trembled as they glid over his warm skin. I was sitting in front of him, our faces inches away. His eyes on me made it even more difficult to focus on the balm.

I lowered my fingers and then applied some on the little bruise over his collar bone. My hand seemed to have developed a brain of its own. It automatically traced his pecs to reach his abs. I heard him inhale a deep breath and all the blood of my body gushed to my cheeks.

When I realized what I was doing, I jerked my hand away and stood up embarrassed. Before I could leave, Faaris held me by my wrists and pulled me towards himself. My knees gave up and I sat down again, this time my whole body pressed to his. 

He cupped my chin and tilted my face upwards, bringing his lips down on mine. The kiss started sweet and slow but his mouth soon took reigns and tried to part my lips. He bit my lips, urging them to part and once they did, he delved his tongue inside. His other hand went inside my wet hair, keeping me glued to him. Once the initial hesitancy subsided, I started responding to the kiss eagerly. My own hands went around his waist and I hugged him, mushing our bodies. The fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt made the moment even more intimate. 

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