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After hearing the news of the accident, I rushed to the hospital in swfit. My imagination was buzzing with the worst possible scenarios and panic was filling my chest. Thankfully, I found a cab just outside the building that helped me reach the hospital within half an hour. I asked the receptionist and followed her guidelines to reach room no. 17 where Faaris was admitted.

I entered the room anxiously and found him lying on the bed. Two doctors were standing beside his bed, a man and a woman. He had a bandage wrapped around his forehead and there was a cast on his leg. To my relief, he was awake and was blinking his eyes at me.

“I am Noor, his wife.” I introduced myself to both doctors.

“Oh yeah, we were waiting for you. So, the thing is, your husband was hit by a car. He has suffered a fracture in his right leg and some small lacerations on his forehead. But fortunately, the rest of the tests came out clear.” The blonde one said.

“We have done a closed reduction of the fracture but he will need to wear a cast for at least a month.” The other one said. “We’ll keep him under observation for 24 hours after which he can be discharged. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.”

After saying this, they left me alone with Faaris. He was staring at me with a blank expression. Ignoring that, I went to him and stood by the bedside, staring at his leg. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I blamed myself for this. If I hadn’t upset him, he wouldn’t have left like this and this wouldn’t have happened. It was all my fault.

“Why did you come?” He asked. He didn't sound angry, just tired and in pain.

“What do you mean why? You are my husband.” I replied slowly.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then closed his eyes.

“Are you in pain?” I asked.

“They have given me strong painkillers.” He replied. "I just feel dizzy."

“Faaris!” I heard a shriek and both of us looked towards the door from where Mom and Dad were rushing inside. “Ya Allah! My son; my sweet, sweet son.” She said in Punjabi while simultaneously crying. I had forgotten I had called them on my way here.

“I am not dead Mom. It’s just a fracture.” Faaris said lazily.

She recited something under her breath and then blew on his head. Dad, on the other hand, called the doctor to discuss Faaris’ condition. Once satisfied that he wasn’t in any grave danger, they took a seat on the attendant’s chairs.

“Why were you walking on the road?” Dad asked.

Faaris exchanged a look with me and then answered softly. “I just wanted fresh air.”

“Were you with him?” Dad asked me and I got nervous all of  sudden. “Did you get any injuries Noor?”


“I left home without telling her.” Faaris intervened.

“That is very irresponsible of you.” Mom said in between her tears

"Why is everyone being so dramatic?" He whispered, yawning.

Both of them stayed there for an hour after which I convinced them to leave because Mom herself had a fever and I didn’t want her to be exposed to any infections. As the medicines started to kick in, Faaris’s breaths deepened and he closed his eyes. While he slept, I scooted the chair closer to him and sat down on it. Bringing my hand to his head, I brushed some blood stained locks away and then placed a small kiss on his bandaged head.

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