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"Ivory white is outdated, madam. Nowadays, all the brides are wearing porcelain white with gold embroidery, like this one." The man sitting on the couch opposite to me said as he showed me the white material.

"No, I'll go with ivory white." I said. "It matches my jewelry better."

"What's the difference, ugh? Both are white." Maheen said in an annoyed voice.

Rolling my eyes at her, I took the material in my hand. It was a pure chiffon embroidered material with small dustings of gold here and there.

"This will make the bodice of the blouse and the lehnga. And the flowy part of the shirt will be plain." I said.

"What is happening?" Usama's voice appeared from the hallway and all of our heads turned to him.

"Nikaah preparation." I said and his smirk deepened. "You are not needed here."

"Last I remember, it is my Nikaah too." He said, crossing his arms. "Why does the bride get all the importance?"

"Because the bride is the one who will be leaving her house." Aunty Afshan said.

"She isn't leaving yet." He said and walked over to me. "Besides, you can keep her, Fatima aunty. Who needs a spoiled brat in their house anyway?"

"Usama!" I scowled and stood up straight to match his height. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. Did anyone hear me say anything?" Usama shrugged.

"No, I didn't." Maheen added.

"See, you should get your ears checked, future Mrs. Usama." He said and rushed out of the lounge, leaving me scowling.

"I am going to kill your son, Aunty. I hope you don't mind." I said to Afshan Aunty and ran behind him.

As soon as he heard me coming, he increased his speed and climbed up the stairs. Groaning, I ran forwards to match my speed as I scurried to the second floor.

From the stairs, I turned to my left in full speed to find him when I suddenly collided with a hard chest, stumbling back on the ground. As soon as my derriere hit with the marbled floor, I let out a wince and that's when I noticed the MacBook lying on the floor beside me.

"Shit." Faaris kneeled beside me. At first, I thought he was going to help me but instead, he picked up his MacBook to check for any damage.

"I... I am so sorry, bh--- I mean, Faaris." I corrected myself. If he didn't want the respect, why should I give him? From now on, he is just Faaris. Rude, arrogant Faaris.

"It's okay." He said in a distracted voice, his eyes still searching his laptop. "It's not broken."

Standing up, he finally noticed that his laptop was not the only thing that had fallen down. His eyes rested on me, observing me from head to toe in a quick glance, after which he finally extended his hand for me.

"No, thank you." I said and stood up on my own, brushing the dust off me.

"Are you okay?" Usama appeared out of his hiding and asked me with concern.

"Yes." I said, my eyes switching between a concerned Usama and a bored looking Faaris. "I am fine."

"Sorry." Usama whispered and gently grazed his fingers along my arm. I blushed at his touch and passed him a shy smile, feeling a little conscious that his brother was witnessing our PDA.

Faaris walked past us towards his room, leaving me alone with Usama, who looked really apologetic. I gave him a scowl for making me run behind him and then climbed down the stairs.

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