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f a a r i s •

Once reaching the yacht, I talked to the captain and discussed the details of our private sail. My eyes went to Noor standing far behind me, looking at the water in awe. She looked radiant today, the stark contrast of her dark locks against the white faux fur was enough to make my stomach flutter. The jeans accentuated the shape of her legs and hugged her behind perfectly, making her more desirable.

“Mr. Shah?” The captain waved his hand in front of me, breaking my chain of thoughts.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I said, get your things ready. We will be leaving in five minutes.” He said.

“Sure.” I said and made my way to Noor. “Few more minutes.”

We spent the next few minutes standing next to each other and observing our surroundings; or more accurately, she observed the surroundings while I pretended to do the same.

My mind was still stuck on what happened back in the Ferris Wheel. It is selfish of me but I was thankful for her fear of heights, because it gave me a chance to be close to her. Desperate as it may sound, little moments like these was all I was looking forward to these days. That is what happens when you marry a girl that has you wrapped around her little finger.

Once the caption motioned towards us, I held Noor's hand and walked towards the water. The yacht was standing near the shore. It was one of those small fancy yachts that you watch in movies, with an area for captain in the front, a small seating place in the middle and in the back was a place to lie down and enjoy the water in peace.

The yacht was moving gently with each wave of water. Holding the captain's outstretched hand, I hopped onto the deck of the yacht. The next was Noor's turn. She was standing on the marbled ground, staring at the yacht nervously.

"Hop over." I said.

"I'll fall down." She pointed towards the small gap between the ground and the yacht, that led to deep waters.

"No, you won't. Just jump." I said and she shook her head in no. "Trust me." I said and held out my arms for her.

She pondered over for a brief moment and then gripped my hands. Closing her eyes, she jumped towards the yacht without any warning. Thanks to my quick reflexes, I caught her in time and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into the yacht.

"Damn it Noor."  I sighed in relief, my hands still around her as I glared at her. "Why did you close your eyes? You could have fallen."

"You said, trust me." She said innocently and I clenched my hands in frustration. I didn't know what to do to her; give her a lecture about her safety or kiss the hell out of her kissable pink lips.

"Fine, my mistake." I said and loosened my hold around her waist. The captain, who was observing all this silently cleared his throat.

"Make yourself comfortable, Mr. And Mrs. Shah. The sail will start in ten minutes." He said and led us to the seating area.

The area consisted of a sofa and a table, the latter contained few food items and some non-alcoholic drinks that I specifically requested. Noor made herself comfortable on the sofa and I took the seat beside her.

Few minutes later, the yacht started and we began moving with it. Noor turned around in her seat and looked at the water in excitement.

"Take a candid picture of me staring towards the water." She ordered.

I hated clicking pictures. If it was any other person, I would have thrown the camera back at her. But with Noor, I didn't mind.

"Okay." I said and picked up the camera. She was staring at her left with a cute smile on her face. The wind was blowing through her dark hair, making them fall into her eyes. I took her pictures from different angles, each one making her look more beautiful than before.

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