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If I thought I would be able to avoid Faaris while working in his own company, I couldn't be more wrong.

I didn't tell anyone about being the CEOs wife as I didn't want to get any special treatment. So, the senior executive Graphic designer of the company Mr. Moby thought he would be doing me a huge favour by introducing me to the great Mr. Faaris Humayun Shah, not knowing my relationship to him.

And that's how I ended up face to face with my dear lying excuse of a husband.

"Is that so?" Faaris said and picked up the tablet. I felt nervous as I saw him scroll the images, like a student getting nervous in front of an examiner. As much as I was angry at him, I was seeking his approval because he was my boss's boss and also because he was Faaris, my husband Faaris.

"The designs are good but I have some constructive criticism. Moby, why don't you go ahead while I discuss this with Miss--"

"Khan. Noor Asghar Khan." I said through clenched teeth.

"Right, Miss. Khan." His eyes pierced into mine, brown against brown, equally passive aggressive.

I silently prayed that Mr. Moby would not leave me alone with him but then again, why would he go against the CEO? Just as expected, he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"So... Can I go?" I asked.

"Sure..." He paused and then strolled towards me. "Right after you tell me what the hell is going on."

"Nothing is going on. I was bored and Dad suggested that I join the company as an intern." I replied coldly.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" He asked, crossing his arms as he towered over me and his masculine scent wafted through the air.

"Why would I do that? Is it because you are my husband and how dare I take a step without your permission?" I asked.

"You know that is not what I meant." He groaned.

"How would I know? Your brain and your tongue doesn't seem to coordinate much these days." I snapped.

"For the last time, what happened with Hayat is..."

"Least of my concerns. Now if you don't mind, can I go back to working? I don't want to give a bad impression on the first day." I said, standing my ground and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

When he didn't answer, I turned around to leave. While I was walking out of his office, I heard him say, "I'll wait for you at 6. We'll go home together. No argument on that."

"Let's see." I muttered under my breath and stomped out of his room.


Contrary to my expectations, my first day at the office actually went well. I didn't have any other interaction with Faaris and on top of that, I had an amazing set of colleagues. There was another intern named Caroline who was really sweet and amicable. She was a beautiful blonde, with light green eyes and tanned olive skin. Caroline had been working here for a week now so she gave me orientation about the office and helped me settle in.

Other than that, the guy supervising us was a recent Harvard graduate and a genius in web designing. I really enjoyed learning new tips and tricks from him and he even guided me about some online courses I can take to improve my CV. His name was Hassan and he was born in Afghanistan, but his parents moved to States right after his birth. He had freckled skin, honey colored curly hair and doe eyes of same colour.

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