2 9 | a f r a i d

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• n o o r •

I took the boy with me in search of his parents. People were leaving the place one by one and it was getting very deserted in here. Whenever we passed by someone, I would ask the boy if these are his parents and he would say no in return.

It has been ten minutes now, of us idly wandering in the place but all in vain. By now, I was also getting terrified for the boy. What if he doesn't find his parents? Worse, what if something bad had happened to them? Why else would they still be missing?

"Jackson!" A loud voice echoed around us and we both turned to the sound of the voice.

"Mummy." The boy, whose name was apparently Jackson, called out.

The woman who called him rushed towards us in full speed. Behind him was a man, running just as hard as her. Once they both reached us, the woman bent to hug the kid while the mam suspiciously assessed me.

"I was just helping him look for you." I cleared. "You can ask him."

"Yes, Mummy." The boy said.

"Thank you." The woman stood up and held my hands, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure." I said.

Once they had made sure their son was good, they left for their home, leaving me alone in now almost empty park.

"Well, time to call husband dearest." I said and looked for my phone. And that's when I realized, I forgot my purse back where I was sitting.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What have I done?

With fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins, I started running back towards that bench. I was new in this place and had no idea which way to go. I didn't even know the address of our apartment to tell the cab, neither did I know Faaris' number by heart. What am I going to do?

It took me half the time to go back to that spot. There, I looked for my purse but nothing was to be found. I searched everywhere but there was no sign of my purse or Faaris.

"Excuse me, did you see a tall man here, with dark hair?" I asked the ice-cream vendor standing at a distance.

"Yeah, he was looking for someone. He went that way." He pointed towards the road to my right.

"Oh okay." I said. I was breathless due to all the running but it didn't matter. I needed to find him or else, I would get lost in this unfamiliar place.

I went to the lonely road to my right, where Faaris had apparently gone to find me. My heart was pounding against my ribcage. If it was Lahore, I would have been to my house in no time but this is a different city, a different country, a different continent. I didn't know anybody here.

I took slow steps forwards, looking all around me for any hint of Faaris. The only thing I found was stray dogs or couples looking for some 'quiet time'.

"Where are you, Faaris?" I asked to nobody in particular. "Where are you?" I was desperate, just for a small sight of him. No matter how aloof things were between us, having him around me was a big comfort. Just his presence was enough for me to feel safe. And now when he wasn't around me, I was alone and helpless.

"Faaris." I said. I was on the verge of bursting into tears.


• f a a r i s •

"Noor!" I called her name in agitation.

She was lost, all alone, in this unfamiliar place. Oh God! She must be so scared.

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