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It was Friday morning and I couldn't sleep well the whole night in excitement. After two weeks of being locked inside the apartment, Faaris was finally going to show me around. I kept making plans in my mind during my sleep and I'm pretty sure I even dreamt something related to it.

Faaris was sleeping like a log beside me, unaware of my tossing and turning. I turned to my right to wake him up but he looked so peaceful while sleeping that I gave up the idea.

His curly locks were falling on his forehead and his mouth was slightly parted. He had taken more than half the space of the bed.

"Faaris." I whispered. "It's 9."

"Lemme seep." He mumbled.


"Let me sleep." He groaned and shifted closer to me. My cheeks warmed up as a I realized our faces were just inches away. From this close, I could see the small freckles of his cheeks and his extra long eyelashes that could easily be mistaken as falsies.

"Fine. Sleep." I said and hopped out of the bed, not wanting to stare at him like a creep.

I took a long bath, scrubbing each and every part of me until I was smelling like flowers, and then dressed up in a plain Shalwar Kameez for now. I still needed to make breakfast and do some household chores which would be difficult in the outfit I had in my mind for today.

By the time I walked out of the bathroom, Faaris was sitting on the bed with his head buried between his hands. He lifted his head when he realized my presence and then said, "You're up early."

"Yeah, we have to go for the city tour. Remember?" I said.

"Oh, that." He whispered under his breath and then made a pout. "I forgot to tell you. I have some work today."

"Oh." I said, feeling my little bubble of happiness burst in disappointment. "Okay."

I turned to the mirror and ran the comb through my hair. My mood had worsened all of sudden and now, I wasn't even in the mood of breakfast anymore.

I was applying sunscreen when I felt Faaris walk behind me. He towered over me from behind and our eyes met through the mirror.

"Stop pouting. I was kidding." He said and a groan escaped my lips.

Turning in my spot, I put my hands on the hip and glared at him. "Not fair, Mr. Faaris Shah. Not fair at all." I said and he shrugged in return.

Avoiding my glare, he walked past me into the bathroom and before closing the door, he said, "Everything is fair in love, war and marriages."

"Idiot." I muttered under my breath and went downstairs to prepare the breakfast.

I made toast and omelet, with coffee for Faaris and tea for me. I was setting up the table when Faaris walked inside the kitchen and reached me. His hair was still wet and sticking up to his forehead in an adorable manner.

"We will leave by 1. The weather looks pretty good today. Dress into something warm." He said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Seattle waterfront. It's a famous tourist destination in Seattle." He replied as he served the omelet and toast in his plate.

"Great." I said.

About three hours later, I was in the bedroom, dressing up for the day. Faaris was waiting downstairs, already dressed and ready. To be fair, he wasn't the one who had to change into five outfits to find the one perfect for this weather.

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