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• f a a r i s •

While Noor was in the bathroom, I engaged myself in conversations with other businessmen that somehow bored me to death. After that dance with her, all I could think was her. I waited, and waited, but when she didn't return even after half an hour,

I got anxious. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up so I went towards the bathroom. I asked a woman coming out if there was someone else inside but she said no. My anxiety heightened and I searched the whole hall for her.

When I couldn't find her, I went outside in the parking lot and looked around. I asked the valet if he has seen a woman dressed in blue dress and he said he watched her leave in a car. This alarmed me and I dialed her number again, not knowing if she was safe or not.

I might have called the police if she had not picked up my call on the fifth try.

"Noor! For God's sake, where are you?" I shouted at the phone.

"You don't need to worry about that. I am fine." Her icy cold voice responded.

"Noor? What are you saying? Where are you? I am worried sick." I said, barely controlling my anger.

"Faaris, just answer me in yes or no. And don't lie." She said, her voice trembling a little. My belly tightened in knots at the way she asked the question.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Did you have any feelings for me while I was engaged to Usama?" she asked

"I...." I became quiet all of sudden. Where did that come from? "Why are you..."

"Yes or no?" She asked firmly.

"Ah..." I struggled to find an answer and then answered hesitantly. "Yes."

"How could you not tell me this before?" Her voice was laced with displease.

"Noor, believe me. I never had any wrong intentions towards you. I never ever considered the possibility of us together until..."

"Until Usama died. Yes, Usama, the love of my life, died." Her words struck a cord of my heart and I winced. He was the love of her life but I didn't need to be reminded that.

"I know he was the love of your life and I never had any issue with it. Believe me Noor, I just thought---"

"You thought I'd fall for you now that he is not here." She blamed and didn't even let me clarify. "I don't even want to listen to your voice right now." She spat.

"Where are you? Who are you with?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry about that." She said and cut the call.

Distressed, I somehow drove back to my apartment and then sprawled on the couch limply. I don't know how Noor got to know about it but I was worried more about her whereabouts. I had already called a friend for a favour to trace her phone. I know it was a breach to her privacy but this city and its people couldn't be trusted. And no way in hell was I going to let anything bad happen to my wife.

"Fuck." I groaned under my breath. Everything was going perfect and somehow, the past resurfaced. Yes, I had feelings for Noor for quite some time but that didn't mean anything. I never even thought to act upon it, let alone try to come between Usama and her. My only mistake was I didn't admit those to Noor earlier, but to be honest, I never thought it would matter. But whoever's at fault, Noor and my relationship had hit a major dent and it would take a long time to reverse it.


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