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My third day at the new office went relatively well after spending two days being a clueless mess. At Faaris' company, he was always there by my side so I didn't have much to worry about. But I needed something challenging and this new job was perfect for that. I took an Uber back to Caroline's apartment. She probably hasn't come back yet as she spends most of the time hanging out with her boyfriend Drake.

After a tiring day, all I wanted was to take a long, hot bath and then curl up under the blanket. On reaching the apartment building, I used the elevator and pressed the button to the 7th floor.

Leaving the elevator, I was casually strolling towards the apartment when I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of Faaris. He was leaning against the door of Caroline's apartment, his hands in his pockets in the signature pose and his head lowered to the ground.

When he acknowledged my presence, he looked at me and stood up straight. From head to toe, all clad in black, he looked straight out of a magazine. He was a treat to look at and I can't say I haven't missed this sight

"What are you doing here?" I asked, controlling my erratic heartbeat. I had successfully avoided the thought of him since lunch today but here he was, reminding me of his presence yet again.

I wasn't ready to talk to him yet as this new revelation had altered the meaning of this marriage for me. It was no longer a compromise we made; instead, it was a compromise on one side only. And how successfully had he fooled me into thinking he was doing me a favour by marrying me when nobody else would accept me with all my baggage!

I walked past him to the door and inserted the key into keyhole.

"Can I come inside?" He asked as I opened the door.

"Suit yourself." I whispered and walked inside. It was a small apartment with an open lounge cum kitchen and two small bedrooms. Small for someone used to living in spacious houses back in my country but big enough for a single person in New York.

I was unnerved by his presence but I acted like it didn't affect me. Callously, I made my way to the shelf and decided to cook spaghetti. I deliberately took enough ingredients for two people so if he wanted, he could eat and if he didn't, I could save it for Caroline.

I was cutting vegetables when I felt Faaris' presence behind me. My belly tightened in small knots as I felt his arms on both side of me, holding the kitchen counter. I had missed his scent and all of a sudden, I felt like I was home.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Talk about what?" I turned around and found him just a few inches away from me.

"About us." He chewed his words; he looked like his patience was thinning. "When are you going to come home?"

"I want some time away from you." I said straight and it looked like this struck a cord.

"And what pray, am I being punished for? Because last I remember, it isn't a sin to have a crush on someone." He gritted.

"It isn't about that." I said.

"Then what is it about? Because recently, I have been thinking maybe it isn't about anything. Maybe you are just finding excuses to paint me as a bad guy. That's what you've been doing from our wedding night. I don't see my mistake in this as I've been nothing but patient with you." He exasperated with clenched jaw.

My stomach tightened a little as this is the most angry I've seen Faaris. He was still not screaming or anything but his tone told me he has had enough. Angry Faaris is scary and I'm glad I don't experience that side of him much often.

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