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• n o o r •

Today was Sunday, which means it has been a week since I arrived here in Seattle. Life since then had been a nervous mess. I still haven't gotten used to living alone, that too in a place far far away from my home.

My dear husband chose to spend the first Sunday in his office. He said he had to finish some work and he will be back soon to pick me up. That reminds me, we are having dinner at his friend's home and I still haven't chosen a dress for that.

I was on a call with Maheen, listening to her rant about her new year in med school while raiding my closet for a dress good enough for the dinner. His friend's family is Muslim so I won't have to wear anything western, for which I was thankful.

"I hate the professor. He is so rude and condescending. Why did I chose to be a doctor? Ugh." She groaned.

"Too late now. You should have thought that sooner." I said and that's when I heard the bell rang. I made my way downstairs and then towards the door. I opened it up, only to reveal a courier waiting for me near the door.

At first, I was confused but then I realized that it was probably one of those things I shopped online. Picking it up, I took it to the lounge and then ripped open the plastic.

Inside the package was a large white box, with a red ribbon on it. Furrowing my brows, I picked up the lid of the box, revealing the lacy black material.

"Ya Allah!" I gasped when I picked up the material, that turned out to be a very revealing lacy black top. Beneath it was a black leather mini skirt, that looked like it was made for a 5 year old.

"What happened?" Maheen asked.

I placed the top back in horror and stared at the whole box in disbelief. "Nothing. I'll call you later." I said and cut the call. I immediately dialed Faaris' number and as soon as he picked it up, I asked, "Did you send this package for me?"

"Yes. Have you tried it on?" He asked.

My face started burning in shame and I groaned, "Of course I haven't. What made you think I'll wear such thing?"

"I... I thought you would look good in this." He stammered.

"You thought wrong. I am not going to wear this." I said.


"Shut it, Faaris. I didn't expect this from you." I said, still horrified at the sight of the top that left very little to Imagination.

"Noor, I am sorry. I didn't know you would mind wearing it." He apologized.

"Well, you should have known that." I said angrily and cut the call.

I was about to throw the box away when I heard the bell rang again. I walked over to the door and opened it, this time revealing a blonde woman.

"Hi, I'm Kira, your next door neighbour. I gather this is yours." She extended her hand to show me a box containing what looked like a saree. "The guard messed up our couriers."

"Oh." I managed to say, realising how badly I messed up. I cursed myself internally for acting before thinking it through and exploding on poor Faaris. "Yeah."

I rushed inside to get the other box and returned with it few seconds later.

"Yep, that's mine." She grinned. "Sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's okay. I am Noor, by the way." I said.

"Noor." She repeated. "That's such a unique name."

"Thanks." I said.

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