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It felt like something was ripping my insides, trying to make the way out. I couldn’t bear it any longer, the agony, the pain, the trauma, it was all too much for my body to handle.

“One more push.” The brunette doctor said and I felt like slapping her stupid face. Just one more push, as if it was that easy. 

“I can’t.” I said, feeling lifeless.

“You can.” I heard a masculine voice. Faaris was holding my hand, patting my back as I leaned my whole body against him. “Come on Noor, you are so strong. You can do it.” He said and wiped my sweaty face with a handkerchief. I was in such a vulnerable state and I didn’t want him to see me like that but he insisted on being inside the room with me.


And with that one more push, I fell back limply. I was half asleep, half awake, not a single bit of energy left in my body. Amidst the buzzing in my ears, a high pitched sound of crying made its way to my ears. 

My baby. 

“It’s a girl.” Gathering all the energy left in me, I opened my eyes and watched Faaris hold her. He looked at her so lovingly as if it was his most precious possession. And it was. We had created this baby with our love and after suffering a miscarriage the first time, I was much more grateful for her. 

“Can I hold her?” I asked him and he shifted her in my arms. A little bundle of joy, so beautiful and so cute, like a little red tomato.

“You should take rest now. You must be tired.” Faaris said to me.

“No, I want to hold her a little more.” I said and rested her against my chest. “She is so beautiful, like a little flower. I want to name her Zeenia.”

“I thought we agreed on Mariam.” Faaris said.

“She doesn’t look like a Mariam. She is a Zeenia.” I said, caressing her cheeks.

“Then Zeenia it is.” Faaris said and kissed my forehead. “You have blessed me with a healthy babygirl. You can have anything in the world, meri jaan.” 


My hospital stay was two days long. On the day of discharge, I walked to the car with Zeenia in my arms, while Faaris was holding both of us, gently leading us forwards. There was already a baby seat for her in the car and on the front seat, he had placed a few cushions so I could have a comfortable ride. 

Once we reached the building, the guard helped took the luggage while Faaris picked up Zeenia and supported me with his other hand.

Finally, we reached our apartment and Faaris opened the door for me. I walked inside, fully exhausted, as if I had walked a mile. Suddenly, the lounge lit up and I was showered in pink glitter.

"Congratulations." Few voices said in unison. My eyes widened in disbelief as I looked at Mama, Papa and Maheen standing for my welcome with a sign that said, IT'S A GIRL.

"I thought you'd want your family here." Faaris whispered to me. 

The three of them leaped towards us and Mama engulfed me in a motherly hug, while Papa and Maheen took baby Zeenia from Faaris and started playing with her. I, still struck with surprise, took a moment to lean into the hug.

"You look so weak. Did you eat the Pinjiri in the third trimester?" She asked. She had sent me boxes of Panjiri, a desi eatable made with dry fruits and ghee. She said it would give me energy during and after pregnancy.

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