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• f a a r i s •

The last month passed like hell but all's well that ends well. I was finally cleared from the doctors to resume working, though I still had to avoid any strain to my leg. I had spent the whole month holed up in the apartment. The only good thing that came out of this month was it helped in solidifying my relationship with Noor.

We spent our days and nights together to the extent that I feared she might get fed up of me but she didn't, hopefully. We had grown really comfortable with each other although after that one night, we didn't try to take our relationship further again.

It was my first day back to work and I was welcomed by my employees with an office themed cake, a really sweet gesture by the bunch. Dad had also decided to join us for the day. Ali gave me a brief summary of all the things that happened while I was away and my secretary had kept a proper tab as well. All in all, I didn't have a lot of pending work waiting for me as I had expected.

The day went well and I enjoyed the mental stimulation after so long. I spent the day catching up on work and planning the activities of the next few weeks. Other than that, I asked my secretary to arrange all the meetings that were postponed due to my injury. By the closing time, I felt a little exhausted. My stamina was probably low and it will take me some time to regain my strength. "Should I drop you home?" Ali asked.

"No. It's time I stop being a baby and do things by myself." I replied as I put on my coat.

"You weren't being a baby, idiot. You had a fracture." He said as he followed me out to the parking lot.

I got in my car and drove towards my apartment but on my way, I stopped at a jewelry shop. Noor had taken care of me day and night without complaining. The least I could do was to give her a nice gift.

I toured the store and my eyes finally settled on a pristine pristine diamond bracelet that would look really elegant in Noor's soft wrists. After paying for it, I revved the car and in no time, I reached our building. Once I entered the apartment, darkness greeted me and I stopped in my tracks. It was weird seeing my apartment so dark because we never turned off the hallway lights.

"Noor," I called her name but nobody responded. Weird, she should have been home by now.

I pulled out my phone to call her and that's when I got a text from her.

To the balcony.

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I turned the flashlights on and climbed the stairs. The faint light coming from the window was illuminating the room, giving it a silver glow. There were some rose petals dusted on the bed that heightened my confusion. Shaking my head, I turned to the balcony where a small table for two was set. There was food served on two plates but it was covered with domes.

"Have a seat." I heard Noor's voice but it was different, deeper.

I turned around and found myself towering over her dainty figure. She was my Noor, but she looked completely different. She was donning a burgundy slip dress that hugged all her curves and reached her knees. Her neckline and arms were bare, the milky skin glistening under the moonlight. My throat felt stuffed and I felt heat rush through my body.

She pulled out the chair for me and that's when I shook myself out of the trance. It was really happening and not some figment of my imagination. I sat down on the chair and then watched as she sat opposite to me. She had done light makeup and accentuated her look with a maroon lipstick. I was used to her looking pretty but right now, she looked seductive and mysterious.

"You may begin." She said as she caught me ogling at her.

I cleared my throat and removed the cover. It was steak, mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables; my favourite meal. I still didn't know what I had done to receive this special treatment.

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