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"Assalam o Alaikum," I said as soon as I stepped out of my room into the hallway, keeping my eyes strictly on Uncle and Aunty.

Aunty enveloped me in a hug enthusiastically and kissed my forehead. "Wa alaikum assalam, how is my beautiful daughter?" She asked, pinching my cheeks.

"I am fine." I passed her a smile and tucked my hair behind my ears. Uncle then stepped forwards to pat my head gently and then they both stepped forwards.

I could feel eyes on me and I knew to whom they belonged to, but I refused to look at him. Because I knew the minute I would do that, I would turn flustered. I instead looked at Faaris bhai and passed him a smile, which he returned with a brief nod and walked into the lounge.

"Come Noor, sit with me." Aunty Afshan took a seat of the couch after she had hugged Dado. I made my way to her and did as she said, settling beside her.

My eyes inadvertently went to Usama who was sitting beside Papa and when I found his eyes already set on me, I immediately averted my gaze. Boy, did he look good. He was wearing a white kurta that accentuated his toned build and his hair looked like a perfect mess, that probably took him hours to style. I couldn't believe I was getting married to such a handsome man.

All my friends that had arranged marriages didn't like their husbands at all when they met for the first time. Thankfully, I have known Usama my while life and I already admired him so luck seemed to be on my side.

"You look beautiful in this dress, dear. Blue looks good on you." Aunty said to me.

"Thank you." I said and someone cleared his throat. Warmth crept up my cheeks as I recognized the sound.

"How is work going?" Papa asked Faaris, who seemed to be focused on something on his mobile.

"Good." He replied briefly.

Rude much?

"That's an understatement, Uncle. Faaris is keeping everybody on their toes. I'm surprised we haven't been featured in Forbes yet." Usama added to keep the conversation light. I subtly took a long glance at him from my peripheral vision and when I looked to the other side, I caught Maheen wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"I'll go check if the kebabs are done." I said to Mama.

Giving Aunty a brief smile, I made my way to the kitchen, internally wishing I don't end up messing anything. What will everybody say if I mess up something as simple as a kebab? I was fully engrossed in doing my task when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

"Salaam, Noor." The familiar male voice said and I can swear my heart jumped inside my chest.

With my eyes widened like saucers, I turned around in my spot, only to find Usama leaned against the doorframe.

"Uh...." I gulped. "Did you need anything?"

"Yes." He replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest, an action that caused his biceps to bulge out. "I needed to see my fiancé, who seems to be ignoring me."

"I am not ignoring you." I said softly and turned around to flip the kebabs.

"Is that so?" He asked as he walked to my side and hopped on the counter. I could feel his eyes on me, observing me carefully, turning me into a blushing mess.

"Hmm." I said as I tried to walk pass him but he caught my wrist. My stomach flipped inside my body as I felt him tugging me back towards him. "Usama, someone will see us." I said, hyperventilating.

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