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"Noor, Faaris is here." Mama called my name while I was busy replying to congratulatory messages of my classfellows and old friends. Maheen was lying beside me, watching a season on her laptop.

"It's hasn't been a day and Bhai already misses you." Maheen winked at me. I rolled my eyes and hopped off her bed.

Faaris had left me here to spend the day with my parents while he handled some issues regarding my visa. In a way, I was relieved as I didn't know how to act around him, especially after what happened last night.

I put on my sandals and walked out of Maheen's room into the lounge. He was sitting in front of Papa, discussing a game of football. He stopped talking when he noticed me and scooted to make space for me.

Mama was busy filling the square glass table with different food items, as if Faaris was the president of some country. Why are all son in laws given so much protocol here in Pakistan? Is it because they take away the burden of their houses aka their annoying daughters?

"I came to pick you up." He said once I sat down.

"Uh... Actually, I thought I could stay here and spend some time with my family." I said and earned a glare from Mama that you won't think is possible from such a sweet person.

"Noor beta, I think you should spend time with your husband." She stressed, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Um... I just thought---"

"It's okay, Aunty. We will be moving away in a couple of days so I understand she would want to spend more time with her family." Faaris added.

"MaShaAllah, you have been blessed with such an understanding husband." Mama said and patted Faaris' head.
"Oh, why don't you stay here as well?"

Both Faaris and I exchanged a worried look at that. We didn't need to showcase to everyone how our relationship was doomed from the beginning so him staying here wasn't a good idea.

"No, it's okay. I will manage." Faaris said.

"Yeah, all his clothes are in hotel. Right?" I said.

"I have some trousers that I haven't used yet." Papa added. "Stay, Faaris. I'll show you around tomorrow morning."

"But---" He trailed off.

"I'll go set up new blankets in Noor's old room." Mama rushed out of the lounge.

I sighed and turned my head towards Faaris, who had an awkward smile on his face. "Seems like you are spending the night here." I said.

"Yeah." He mumbled under his breath.


It was almost midnight. I was sitting on the couch in the lounge, sipping coffee out of my Pokémon cup. Maheen and Faaris were sitting on the floor opposite to each other, playing Ludo as I silently observed them.

"You lost your turn." Maheen exclaimed loudly.

"How? I just scored three 6's." Faaris replied.

"Three 6's means your turn is over. So much hell, Faaris Bhai. You don't know how to play Ludo?" She said. "The next time you come to Pakistan, I'm inviting all our cousins over to play a Ludo tournament with you."

"Well, it doesn't make any sense. How come two 6's is a good thing but three 6's means you're back to zero." He pouted.

"That's half the fun." Maheen said and rolled the dice.

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