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"So when were you going to tell me you are Faaris Shah's wife?" Five minutes into the office, I was bombarded with questions by Caroline. "Give us the tea, sis. How did it happen? When did it happen? And why were you hiding it?"

I exchanged a glance with Hassan who just shrugged in response. I remember what happened the last time I was in the office and I not-so-sublty revealed the trust of my marriage to Hassan. He might have discussed it with Caroline who looked really interested in gathering more information about this revelation.

"Faaris' family is our family friends. It was an arranged marriage. It has been four months. And I hid it because I didn't want any special treatment." I answered all the questions in one breath.

"Understandable." She nodded. "So what is it like? Living with Mr. Ice. Does he ever laugh?" I laughed at her question but then realized she was serious.

"Sometimes. He is quiet by nature but I think he has started opening up to me." I replied.

"Oh. That must be nice. You guys are such a beautiful couple. Wait, can I see the wedding photos? Please." She made a puppy dog face.

Laughing at her excitement, I scooted closer and showed her my wedding photos from my mobile. In most of the pictures, my smile was fake but she didn't need to know that. The pictures brought back memories of our wedding and I reminisced how scared I was on that day. I had all the worst scenarios in my mind and I was grateful to Allah that my marriage didn't turn out as I had expected.

"Oh My God, you look like a princess. And Mr. Shah looks really smitten with you." She said.

"Yeah right." I thought to myself, knowing very well how much Faaris despised the idea of marrying me. Things might have worked out now but earlier, he was just as much against this marriage as me.

After Caroline had satisfied her curiosity and didn't have any query left, she went back to working and I took a sigh of relief.

I worked till lunch, catching up on all the projects I had missed while in Pakistan, when I was called by Faaris to his office. I went there expecting to see him for something work related but I instead found him waiting with some lunch.

"I ordered chinese." He said. Opening up the takeout packets.

"For me?" I asked.

"No, I called you to click my pics." He said and I stared at him dumbfounded. "Of course, it is for both of us."

I sat down in front of him and started shoving the chow mein down my throat with the fork. He on the other hand used the chopsticks and ate his portion without spilling even a speck of food.Why does he have to be so decent?

"How did your work friends take the news of our marriage?" He asked while finishing his plate.

"Caroline was excited. Hassan didn't say much." I replied, chomping on the sesame chicken.

"Poor boy must be sad he lost the chance." He mumbled under his breath.

"That is so not true. Hassan is a very sweet guy." I replied.

"Yeah, right." He said and I rolled my eyes. We went back to eating and enjoying the view from his window. One day, I'll be the CEO of my own graphic designing company and then I'll set my office at the top floor of a 70-something floors building.

"There is something else I want to say." Faaris said after a pause, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Yes." I asked.

"I got an invitation for a gala on Sunday and I want to take you. Would you like to go with me as my plus one?" He asked.

"Sure," I replied, both nervous and excited to meet new people. "But I don't have any clothes."

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