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After the embarrassment I had to face earlier today due to Faaris, I passed sour looks to him the rest of the day. It didn't seem to affect him much as on the dinner table, his hands kept swinging to my side under the table, trying to get a hold of me.

I tried to slap his hand away but he took the opportunity to tightly lock his fingers with mine. I glared at him from the corner of my eyes and found him nodding at something Papa was saying. Damn his multitasking.

I stabbed his hand with my long nails and it made him wince a little but he kept our hands locked.

"I've put very mild spices in the Pulao for you, beta." Mama said to him. "Is it still spicy?"

"It's perfect." He said, passing her a saccharine smile.

I tried to ignore the budding feeling in my chest due to our linked hands. His hands fitted perfectly against mine; they were big and warm while mine were small and cold. This little contact was enough to make me feel weak in the knees.

"I now understand where Noor gets the cooking skills from." He said, looking towards me and I tried my best to look angry.

"It's not about the skills. It's about love we have for our family while we cook." Mama said.

"Is that so?" Faaris asked, giving me a side eye.

"Not really." I whispered in a voice that only be could hear.

After the dinner, Papa practically dragged Faaris for a walk while the latter kept pleading me with eyes to stop him from going. Being a good wife, I should have helped my husband but did I do that? No.

"Poor Faaris Bhai, Papa and his friends are going to chew him and spit him out." Maheen chuckled as she brought a tray full of teacups. I had missed this, having tea with my family after dinner and discussing out whole day. That used to be my favourite part of the day.

"Don't exaggerate, Maheen." Mama scolded her. She then turned to me and became serious all of sudden. "Noor, are you happy with Faaris?" She asked.

This question caught me off guard because I didn't know how to answer it. I didn't even know if I was happy or not. What even is happiness? When I got married to Faaris, I had thought my whole life was going to be a big compromise. But lately, it doesn't feel that way.

"Happiness is subjective." I said. "But... I think things are better than I had expected." This made Mama smile with relief.

"How is bhai as a husband? Is he possessive? Is he cool?" Maheen asked.

I smiled as I pondered over the answer.

"He is calm." I said. "And kind. One thing that I find most admirable about him is that he never loses his temper."

"You can say he is handsome too. We won't mind." Maheen winked and Mama slapped her arm hard that made her wince.

"Why did I birth such a shameless child, Ya Allah?" Mama said.

"I don't know. Ask yourself." Maheen rolled her eyes and Mama's hand went to her chappal this time.

I laughed at the scene and tried to commit this to memory. Soon, I'll leave and such memories would be the only source of comfort to me.


Maheen and I talked till late night in her bedroom, cozied under the comforter, with our hands buried inside a packet of chips. "Aapi, go to your room now. Your hubby must be waiting." Maheen said.

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