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• f a a r i s •

I was trying to contact Hayat since two days but she wasn't responding to any of my calls. I was getting worried about her because this was the longest she hasn't returned my calls or messages. Besides, I haven't told her yet about my marriage with Noor and even the thought of telling her was making me queasy.

At last, when I couldn't be patient anymore, I called her colleague Kelly to ask her whereabouts.

"Yeah, she is with me. I'll pass the phone to her." Kelly said and gave her the phone.

"Faaris?" Her dim voice responded.

"For God's sake Hayat, why aren't you responding to me? I was worried for you." I said as soon as she replied.

"Sorry yaar, I lost my phone at the airport. We are here in Vegas, girls weekend." She said.

"Oh." I said and braced myself. "Actually, I needed to tell you something."

"I needed to tell you something too. You go first." She sounded excited.

"You should tell first." I said.

"Okay. Guess what, I got promoted. You know how much I wanted this promotion, right? God, I am so happy." She shouted excitedly on the phone and my heart drowned. I didn't know how I was going to tell her now when she was so happy. I couldn't do that to her, could I?

"Congratulations." I said.

"Your turn now." She said. "What is it that you wanted to say?"

"N..." I took a small pause. "Nothing important."


"Forget it. Your news is bigger." I said.

"I know, right? The only thing that can make this day better is you proposing me." She chuckled.

"Ah, Hayat, I---"

"I'm kidding, Faaris." She giggled in response. "Don't worry, I can wait."

"Hayat, Mom is calling me. I will call you later." I said before I could explode with guilt in front of her.

"Okay. But I'll be really busy the coming weeks so I might not be available." She said.

"It's okay. Bye." I said.


Oh God, why did you have to make it so difficult? My whole life had turned upside down in one week. A part of me had always liked Noor but I never in my wildest dreams imagined marrying her one day. I always knew she was going to end up with Usama so out of respect to my brother, I kept her out of sight, out of mind. Now, she will be my bride in two weeks and I still don't know what to expect from this so-called marriage.


• n o o r •

Three weeks passed just like that.

Tonight was my Mehndi, my second Mehndi in one year, and tomorrow will be my Nikaah. The families had decided to hold the Nikaah on the same day as Barat to avoid excessive hassle. Tomorrow, I'll officially be Faaris Humayun Shah and I don't know what to expect from this. I had no idea what kind of husband Faaris would be towards me. Our meeting in the kitchen was probably the last time we spoke any word to each other directly and since then, we had avoided each other like plague.

The wedding preparations had kept everyone busy. But it was a blessing in disguise as nobody had time to think about the tragedy that occured to us nine months back. The best thing is, for the first time in months, I had found Aunty Afshan smiling. No mother can forget the death of her child but at least she could be given the mercy of temporary distraction.

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