7 | m i n e

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A/N: Above is a title song from a new Pakistani drama that kinda motivated me to write this story. Usama and Noor are somewhat inspired by the main characters. I haven't watched this drama though, just the title song.

• u s a m a •

I spent the night tossing and turning on the bed. My mind was heavily ridden with guilt for giving in to the temptation and kissing her. It was haram; I could have waited for one more day. I shouldn't have polluted our relationship like that. But when I saw her standing there in all yellow, looking as bright as the moon itself, I couldn't control myself. I needed to feel her and breathe in her scent desperately. I needed her in my arms and the desire clouded all my judgement.

It was about 5 in the morning when I finally left my bed, offered Fajr prayer and dialed Noor's number. After two or three rings, she picked up the call and her meek voice replied from the other side, "Assalam o Alaikum."

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, how are you Noor?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said. Her voice sounded thick, like she was sick or she had cried; the latter sounded more probable. It intensified my guilt, knowing I was probably the reason of her tears. Noor wasn't the kind of girl to engage in anything physical before marriage.

"Were you crying?" I asked to confirm.

She paused for a second, after which she replied, "Yes. My henna got ruined."

"Oh." I sighed. "It's okay. You can apply it later."

"No, you don't get it, Usama. It's not supposed to get ruined." She said.

"Don't tell me you are that superstitious." I said in amusement, lying on my back.

"I am. And you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life." She said and it made me chuckle.

"I'll happily do that, meri jaan." I said.

Once again, a long comfortable silence prevailed between us. I was contended listening to the sound of her breathing. It was peacefully pleasant, in a strange creepy way. She was the one to break it first. "We shouldn't talk before Nikaah." She said.

"Yeah, I know." I said. "I just wanted to say sorry."

"For what?" She asked.

"For last night. What happened on the terrace." I said and heard her suck a sharp breath. I could imagine her face getting redder with each passing second and it filled me with the desire to see her. The closer we were getting to our Nikaah, the impatient I was getting to be around her.

"It's okay." She whispered.

"Don't worry. By tonight, we will be able to kiss without the fear of committing a sin." I said to tease her.

"Usama!" She scolded and I chuckled.

"What? It's true." I said.

"You have to keep your hands to yourself until the Rukhsati, Mister." She said and I groaned in annoyance. "It's Pakistan. Such things before moving out from your parent's house are considered unethical."

"I can't promise anything." I smirked, although she couldn't see me right now.

"Okay, bye. I should sleep now." She said shyly.

"Bye." I said, deciding not to tease her anymore. "And Noor?"

"Hmm." She said.

"I love you." I whsipered, eager to hear her reaction. We had already said it once before but I wanted it hear it again in her angelic voice. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.

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