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You know you have really grown up when grocery shopping excites you. And seeing familiar faces all around me miles away from home was really comforting. Right now, Faaris and I were in a Pakistani store few blocks away from his apartment to shop for grocery and other household items. This was Faaris' idea, which I know has less to do with actual shopping and more to do with his guilt.

But if he thought just because he brought me here, I was going to be easy on him, he had another thing coming. What he did was wrong on so many levels and to both me and that girl. Our marriage wasn't based on love so the only thing it could stand on was honesty. If he couldn't be honest to me, what's even the point anymore?

I had been giving him silent treatment since morning and even now, he was silently following me with his hands around the trolley, a puppy dog look plastered on his face. He had tried to address me a few times but didn't succeed in getting a proper response.

"I didn't know there were so many Pakistani people here." I said to myself as I watched a middle-aged couple pass by.

"You'd be surprised." Faaris said as he reached my side. "There are three Pakistani families in our building alone." This piece of news caused a strange surge of excitement through me but that didn't mean I was willing to continue having this conversation.

"Great." I said casually and moved forwards.

"Hayat called. She was asking if she could pick you up tomorrow." He said hesitantly. "I'll refuse her if you want."

"No thanks. I'd love to go." I said and picked up a spice mix for Biryani. "As your wife, It's my duty to keep track of your girlfriend."

"She is not my girlfriend, for God's sake." He groaned from behind. A few people looked towards us, earning an annoyed glare from Faaris. Shrugging in response, I walked forwards towards the counter.

"You don't have to clarify anything to me." I said and put everything one by one on the counter for the cashier to count.

"Stop being passive aggressive, Noor. I know you're hurt and it's fair. But let me deal with it, okay? I'll make it right." He said, helping me empty the trolley.

"You do what you want, I'll do what I want. Tell Hayat that she can pick me up tomorrow." I said firmly and then turned my attention back to the cashier.

"Fine. Suit yourself." He grumbled under his breath.


The next day, Faaris left for work early in the morning, even before I woke up. A part of me felt bad for this turbulence in our already weak marriage. It has only been a week since we got married and we were already not on talking terms with each other.

After doing my morning routine, I made a sandwich for myself and then decided to video call my family. It took me some time to get it sorted out but finally, the call connected and everyone's face appeared in front of me.

"Assalamu Alaikum Noor, how are you?" Mama said.

"Aapi, show us your house." Maheen said

"Did you get settle in easily?" Papa asked.

"How is the weather there?" Dado added.

"Show us the house, Aapi." Maheen repeated.

"One by one, everyone." I sighed. "Wa Alaikum Assalam. Yes, I am fine. I'll send a detailed video of the apartment. No, I didn't have any difficulty settling in and the weather here is amazing."

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