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• f a a r i s •

After quite many days, my morning started with the sight of Noor, my beautiful Noor, the light of my eyes. She was curled up towards my side, her hair sticking out of the bun and her face devoid of any makeup. Many times in my life have I dreamed of waking up next to whoever my soulmate was. Starting my day with a sweet kiss, or more if I am lucky. But Noor, she was still unattainable for me. One minute, we are taking one step towards the other person and the next minute, we go many steps back.

I was determined to make her forgive me. Not only that, but also to make her realize how much love and admiration I held for her. I was just waiting for the right idea, the grand gesture. The bigger the mess up, the greater should be the apology. Not something cheap like flowers or chocolates.

"What are you doing?" A voice said and broke my trance. Noor was looking at me with her big, brown eyes as she watched me stare at her creepily.

"Um... I..." I cleared my throat. "I was... umm... I should be getting ready now."

I hopped off the bed and into the bathroom to do my morning routine. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I walked back to the room to gather my clothes. Noor was playing with her mobile so I went straight to the dressing table to do my one-step skincare routine i.e. the sunscreen and set my hair. Through the mirror, my eyes went to Noor and I saw her staring at my back, a deep blush spreaded all over her face. When her eyes met mine, she went back to looking at her mobile screen.

Smirking a little, I went to the closet to change into my clothes. By the time I walked out, Noor had gone to the bathroom. In about fifteen minutes, we were both in my car, ready to go to the office. Now that Noor also goes to work, we mostly have breakfast on our way on the weekdays.

I stopped the car in front of a french patisserie near the office and we went inside. Noor ordered a latte and croissant while I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with a cup of espresso.

While eating, I stared at Noor who was looking out of the window. She was wearing jeans and a sky blue baggy sweater, paired with brown leather boots and a scarf around her neck. She has started to dress more modern now, but making sure not to show any skin. Eastern or Western, Noor was breathtaking in every attire.

After breakfast, we went to the office and then to the elevator. Noor's new friend Hassan also entered the elevator behind me and I mentally groaned. I didn't like this guy one bit. He was too frank to Noor for my liking and she was too sweet to see that. He should know how to act in front of a married woman. Then again, he didn't know Noor was off-the-market yet.

I clenched my jaw as I watched them interact. I always thought I was not the jealous type and my time with Hayat was proof of that. But with Noor, things were different. I wanted to be the only person who could make her smile like that and I didn't even know I was capable of feeling like this.

I took my exit at the second floor and decided to take the stairs. Stairs were good for health anyway. By the time I reached the thirteenth floor, I was having trouble breathing.

"See. It wasn't that bad." I said to myself as I sat down on a nearby stool to catch my breath.


"Sir, Miss. Abdullah is here to meet you." My secretary informed me.

Hayat? What is she doing here?

After that night when the truth of my marriage unraveled, I tried calling her a few times but she didn't respond. I knew I had hurt her and she deserved an apology as well. But I didn't know what to say to defend my position.

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