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• f a a r i s •

Since I returned from Noor's house this morning, I couldn't keep my mind off her. Her tear stained face, the breaking of her voice, the pure helplessness in her eyes, it was killing me. The Noor I know always had a silly smile on her face but that Noor was nowhere to be found.

She looked like something had broken inside her, waiting to be mended. She didn't deserve to have her spirit broken like this. The unshed tears in her eyes were burned in my mind and now, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Hayat was calling me since then but I didn't have the stamina to talk to her. My mind was a mess right now and I didn't think talking to her would be any help. Especially if I tell her about Mom's proposal of getting me married to Noor.

I kept lying on my bed in an uncomfortable position until Dad texted me to have dinner with them in the hotel dining hall downstairs. That's when I finally decided to leave my bed and take a shower. After dressing into a fresh pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I made my way out of my room towards the elevator.

In the dining hall, a buffet was set in a corner. I served some rice and chicken in my plate and then made my way to Mom and Dad who were sitting in a corner table.

"Assalam o Alaikum." I said and focused my eyes on my plate.

"Wa alaikum assalam." Dad said while Mom remained engrossed in her thoughts.

I was halfway through the plate when the peaceful silence broke. "Rukhsana called. She was telling me that Fatima is looking for a match for Noor." Mom chose the topic that I was dreading to hear.

"Hmm." I said, not telling about what happened when I went there today morning.

"She said people keep rejecting her after knowing about Usama. They think it's something to do with her luck, God forbid." She said in a gloomy voice and I clenched my fist. These people are the reason why Noor hasn't been able to heal yet. She needed to get away from them and their stupid, superstitious judgements.

"Poor child. She has been through hell." Dad added. I preferred to stay silent and focus on my plate.

"She was supposed to be the izzat of our house, Usama's honour, our honour, and now it kills me that she is going through all that alone." Mom said. I could feel her hopeful eyes darting to me, waiting for me to add something to this conversation.

"Yes. May Allah ease her pain!" Dad said.

I tried to eat but my mind once again got stuck on her and my hunger died. I knew what Mom was trying to do and the worst thing is, it was working.

"Usama loved her so much. I don't think his soul will ever rest in peace if---"

"Mom!" I said, cutting her in between. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Did you think about what your mother said?" Dad asked. Their calculating eyes were observing me curiously, slowly breaking my calm.

"Yes, and I think this will be wrong on so many levels. Besides, Noor would never agree to marry me." I reasoned.

"That's for Noor to decide. The point is, what do you want?" Dad asked.

"What I want is for her to be happy of course." I said. "I will forever be a reminder of Usama. She would never be happy with me."

"Time heals every pain, Faaris. If you give her enough love and respect, she will move out of it." Mom said.

"Please don't talk like we are getting married tomorrow. Nothing has happened yet." I gritted.

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