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• f a a r i s •

It was just a regular morning but there was something different about it. There was a weight on my chest and by weight, I don't mean the emotional abstract sort of weight. There was a literal weight on my chest in the form of the head of my very own wife.

At first, I panicked when I found Noor's arm around my torso and her head resting on my chest. I thought I slid towards her in the middle of the night but then I realized that I was still in my side of the bed which only meant one thing; Noor initiated this.

Heat crawled up my cheeks when I felt her breath against my neck and her hair tickling my nostrils. She was every inch soft and feminine, pressed against the hard contours of my body. The position was definitely not good for my very virgin self.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath and attempted to move her away. I held her from her waist and then rolled her over so she was lying on her back now. But before I could remove my arm from underneath her, she wrapped her arms once again around me and snuggled deeper.

Now, we had ended up in a very uncomfortable position, with my one arm stuck underneath her and my other arm trying to hold myself above her.

"Noor." I whispered as I stared at her face. I thought her beauty was because of expensive makeup products but she was just as beautiful even early in the morning, when most people look like ghosts. Her skin was flawless, her lashes were long and thick, her dark hair was soft and silky and her lips, they were probably the best part of her; so soft and red and.... Stop thinking about her lips.

"Noor," I called her name again. A small frown appeared on her forehead, after which she clenched her eyes and then slowly opened them. At first, she stared at me, then blinked her eyes twice and when she finally understood what was happening, she screamed in panic.

"Ya Allah! What are you doing Faaris?" She screeched with wide eyes.

"Me? What are you doing?" I asked and motioned towards her hands that were still around my waist.

"I... I didn't..." She shook her head unbelievingly and pulled her hands away from me. "I am so sorry."

"It's okay." I said and moved away from on top of her.

She sat up from lying position and looked around nervously. A faint blush was dusted all over her cheeks, making her even more irresistible so early in the morning. If I had to keep myself under control, I need to stay as far away from her as possible.

"You go freshen up. I am going for a quick workout." I said to her.

"Okay." She said and left the bed.

An hour later, I was done with my workout and morning shower. I had decided to take today off from work so Noor could settle in. She was new here and leaving her on her own didn't sound like a good idea, especially after her emotional state last night.

Leaving the bedroom, I walked down the stairs and then towards the kitchen. Noor was standing in front of the stove with her back towards me. She was dressed in a plain black kurta and trouser, her hair tied on top of her head. Even from a distance, I could smell the distinct aroma of delicious food.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm making breakfast. Sit down please. I'll serve it." She said without looking at me. I knew she was still embarrassed for what happened back in the room so I didn't want to add to her misery by mentioning that.

"You don't have to. I mostly eat cereal for breakfast." I said and looked around for the cereal box.

"Mama would kill me if she comes to know I let you eat cereal for breakfast." She said and balanced the large tray in her hand, taking it to the small dining table in the middle of the open kitchen.

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