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After taking a warm shower, I changed into a royal blue Shalwar kameez and wrapped a towel around my wet hair. Once I walked out of bathroom, I found Faaris standing in front of the mirror and getting ready for office.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

"I have an early meeting. I'll eat something after that." He said.

"Okay," I said, although I felt bad for letting him go with empty stomach.

I walked over to the dressing table and took the space beside him. Pulling the towel off my hair, I ran my fingers through damp knots, untangling them. Beside me, Faaris was setting his hair with his expensive hair products.

"Shit." I heard him curse.

"Language." I tsk-ed.

"My button is loose." He said and I turned to look at him. The top button of his shirt was undone, giving a hint of his skin underneath. "I have a meeting and this is my lucky shirt."

"Lucky shirt?" I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing.

"Don't." He said and walked over to the closet. "This day is ruined."

Rolling my eyes, I searched the second drawer for a needle and thread and walked over to him. "Stop whining. I'll stitch it up."

He stopped searching and angled his neck to look at me. "You know how to do this?"

"Obviously. It's not a rocket science." I said and put the thread into the needle. I walked over to him and motioned him to hand over the button. Due to our height difference, he was towering over me and my eyes were on the level of his chest.

He lifted his chin up and I began stitching the button. It didn't help that he was practically inches away from me and I could feel his eyes on me, observing me from very closely. I gulped and stuck out my tongue to wet my dry lips, all the while trying to concentrate on the button which was a rather difficult task in his overwhelming presence.

"Ow." He winced when u accidentally stabbed him with the needle.

"Sorry." I raised my head and said to him.

"It's okay." He said, staring back into my eyes.

Once the button was finally done, I leaned towards his collar and cut the  remaining thread with the help of my teeth, which made him gasp for some reason.

"All done." I said and stepped away from his sharp cologne.

"Thanks." He said with a flustered face and tugged his buttons to check if it was done properly.


Yesterday, I thoroughly cleaned the bedroom and today, it was study room's turn. Although the housekeeper had kept the apartment as clean as possible, it was still in need of some deep cleaning and redecorating.

This was the first time I was entering Faaris' study and just like his personality, it was mostly grey. It was an average sized room, with a desk in the middle and a book shelf on one side and a window on the other.

I picked up the cloth and started with dusting the bookshelf. The front of the shelves were clean but there was a thick layer of dirt behind the books. Well, that's what happens when you don't keep an eye on a worker.

I cleaned each and every part of the bookshelf and once I was satisfied with it, I made my way to his desk. There was a whole mess of files and notes on it and I didn't know where to start. The first thing is did was pick up the whole heap of files to put them away and that's when I noticed the photo frame that was hiding behind those files.

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