Chapter 5: That's Him

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A/N: Wanna know the answer? Huh? Why is it no one answered anyway? XD. I just decided to update tho.

Just read!

And, new instruction! *message alert sound*

(L/F/D) - Least Favorite Dessert

(F/S/S) - Favorite Slogan on Shirt

(F/B/S) - Favorite Brand of Sneakers

(Y/M/N) - Your Mobile Number

(This chapter is edited.)

You woke up the next day and did your morning routine, but there are some changes made. Everyday, you are eating breakfast and leaving earlier than your dad just for you to get to SFIT. Starting from then on, Sir Francis will bring you there.

You wore on a pair of tight jeans, a printed shirt which is written: (F/S/S). You wore your black (F/B/S) sneakers just to prepare and you kept your phone in one of the pockets of your tight jeans. As what happened, you ate your breakfast and left earlier than your dad. You left the key of the house on his hands so that he would be able to lock the house safely.

You walked out of the house then saw the taxi waiting for you. Obviously, it was Sir Francis who was waiting for you, so you went inside the taxi and sped away. You checked your stuff once more, and, you did have everything with you. He was just silent that hour as you traveled.

"Um, Sir?" you started.


"When was the time since... you and Dad met?"

He talked while driving. "Oh, um, (Y/N), your dad actually got lost and could not track his way back home. I approached him confidently then I asked him, 'Hey, need help?'

"He just said, 'No, it's okay.' But I convinced him that I will take him back home, so I walked with him and while we walked, we talked too. We became acquainted with each other at first, but as it took us long and we both lost tracks of our homes, we got closer."

"Wow, I couldn't believe that you both got lost," you said sarcastically then laughed.

"Yeah... but we were able to find our homes. I helped him first then I got home too. Though it took me long... because we were High School. I moved to New York when we were High School... but then, we went back here in San Fransokyo, because no extreme cases happened."

"What extreme cases happened, Sir?"

"Um, I'll tell you about that some other time because you're already at SFIT and I couldn't pick you up starting later."

You pouted. "Why?"

"Because... um... I'll tell it some other time. And you're already in 20's---"

"No, Sir. I'm just 18."

"All right. At least... you'll learn to do things on your own. But, if it's for your safety... I'll pick you up. Your school's far, so I could bring you everyday there but I couldn't pick you up. Don't worry, I told your father about it. I trust him too."

"I see, Sir Francis," you replied, then went out of the cab. "Bye, Sir!"

"Bye! See you... tomorrow." You both smiled then he left. As usual,  entered the school with all those people rumbling along with the crowd. As you were about to enter the school premises, Heidi and Mandy caught up with you and followed along. You felt lazy in entering your lab that's why you decided to sit by the waiting area and texted some of your friends.

From: Me
To: Alaine, Clarissa, Gerald, Kieth, Daniel, Portia

Guys! How's the day of missing me? I missed you all! I'll be in your hearts and memories forever...

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