Chapter 71: Interviews But No Evidences

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"Hiro, you're sure that you'll be okay, okay?"

"Yep," he agreed cheerfully and ran ahead of you to return back to the cafeteria. You sighed and thought, Boys will be boys. That's it for now. You just walked, but you didn't run after him, because you might expect teases from your friends.

As you returned to the cafeteria, you realized everyone has gone. Aggghhh, Hiro left me alone! But anyway you were trying to know the reason why. You observed two familiar people. Investigators. They were interviewing the handlers of the cafeteria.

Was that about my father? you thought. It delights me! Then you left before they catch up with you. You looked at every hall. There are so many investigators around your university. You even observed Callaghan's expressions as he was interviewed. You could hear him answering his question, although you weren't sure if he's the one behind your father's curtains, besides, he has been one in Professor Roberts' before!

Now you wonder, Who started this? What a joy in the heart!

Delighted, you skipped all the way back to the lab before Professor Callaghan caught you loitering in the university premises. You entered the lab and you were shocked to see that even students were interviewed about your father. Those interviews might give you a clear evidence of how your father would be found.

Right as you could see from afar Hiro, who ran off from you after your talk, you decided to pretend your mad at him do that you could twist his ear. What an abusive friend!

As you went near him, you rolled your eyes and pinched his arm. "Ow!"

"Hiro," you reprimanded, "why did you just run off and leave me alone! God, Hiro, all that time I was talking to you and you'll run in a snap of my finger?!"

"Why? I was trying to find out what-"

"Enough of so much reasoning, Hiro," you interrupted, not in a mad way, "Just please tell me if you leave, then I'll let you go. All right?"

"Um, okay," he answered sheepishly. "Seems like you've been wanting me all along."

"You said wanting, not needing," you answered to make sure Hiro's defeated from your lures.

"Do you need me?"

"Yes, as a friend." You were expecting him to answer, 'Why, (Y/N)? Why?'. Not as expected he mentioned a different answer, far from what you thought of.

"Oh, yes! As a friend."

"I told you so."

Well again, you wondered, Who actually started this investigation? You thought a little then took your phone inside your bag and texted your aunt.

You: Aunt.

"I am just waiting for a reply," you muttered. A few minutes passed by. Then a half an hour. Then an hour. No reply.

"Aunt, aren't you replying?!"

Fast forward. You were left sleeping back to the wall. Two hours. No reply, still. Aunt Hayley, didn't you care for me all this time? You were about to develop tantrums, but then your phone rang a message alert and at last, a reply from her just followed up.

Aunt Hayley: Yes dear?

You: Aunt, I am wondering about what's happening in my university. What do you know about that?

Aunt Hayley: What about that?

You: Investigators interviewed all people involved working in the school and the students! They've been asked about my father's case.

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