Teaser trailers - My thoughts

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I'm crying. I'm crying. I'm crying.

The first teaser trailer was enough to make me sad but didn't leave me in tears. I was rejoiced to see Fu again but devastated to see the guardian back from Tibet. Knowing that Marinette would have to get the box possibly on her own was sad enough. I mean, knowing Marianne was there was enough to keep me positive, plus she still had Chat.


I read the spoiler for the season 4 episode, Furious Fu. Having my head in the mindset Fu got akumatized was a bit traumatising at most. Because... without Fu... Marinette's only guidance that she can in a way rely on is Marianne. (As well as chat...) That's not likely at the same time though, Marinette and Marianne being spotted in the same place could change things real quick. Hawkmoth already knows who Marianne is, that could put Marinette in danger if they were seen together. The thought that Marianne would be there for Marinette got shadowed in my mind really quickly after seeing that post.


Seeing the cover of the teaser put tears in my eyes. I've been in the fandom since the beginning, back in 2015. Seeing the costume change was devastating. It was literally so shocking. Now she wasn't just a plain old bug anymore.

And not to mention, her pigtails look longer, they stretch further meaning a tad bit length in her hair. I was sooooo happy to see this.


I'm one for Chloe redemption. The chances of it happening are sky high, I do believe. Seeing the new bee really annoyed me for some reason. But another part of me was squealing in joy. I'm so confusing.

The new bee is Aurélie, I do think. I'm pretty sure. Ladybug only picks people she knows to be holders. So I think its Aurèlie, it seems a bit likely to me.


There was a spotted MOTORCYCLE next to Ladybug as she took out the bee Miraculous. I mean, Marinette can probably ride it, her Grandmama has one of her own afterall, and Gina seems like the type to teach her child that stuff. Otherwise, why would Tikki give it? Anyways, point is, Marinette rides a MOTORCYCLE and I think that's epic. I wonder if we'll be seeing Gina in the next season?

I started crying when things were in the noobies (Get it? New 🐝's) POV. It was so déja vu!! Broke my heart.

I am personally one for redemption. Lilia and Chloe act the way they do because of the way they've been treated. They act mean because their heads are stuck in a horrible mindset, the result of a bad background or bullying. 

Chloe acts the way she does because of her parents. Her Mum doesn't give any damns about her and her Dad is always too busy with her, trying to buy her love with money. It's horrible. When Marinette was able to turn the head of Audrey Rich (I can't spell it in English), I could smell my own desire for redemption. I NEED REDEMPTION.

Lila is also because of her parents. It seems like her dad is out the picture and again, her Mother doesn't seem to have time for her. It's like Lila had to manage on her own. When I imagine Lila's backstory, I see a child who's alone, being bullied, no 'Mummy' there to help her. I see a child who lies to impress the others, who finds the tactic working. That's what I see.

Lila is a bad egg though. Not sure if she can be fixed, especially with me thinking she's future Moth. What do you think?

I've always loved redemption. Finding out Chloe had been replaced was TERRIFYING. 


Although, all with due time, things will all be back to normal. I sense the sweet Chloe sugar already. Chloe's had her kind moments too, you mustn't forget.

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