I don't fear this spider - Rewrite

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The friendship had started on a cool day in one of the parks neighbouring Stark industry. Marinette had been visiting with her family, hanging around on the swings when suddenly someone arrived and was at her side. His name was Peter, he told her, and he wanted to play with her. He said that she looked cool and he wanted to hang with her. It had been the start of a huge friendship, all whilst Sabine just watched with a knowing smile. All whilst Tony was unaware.

As a huge friendship evolved, Marinette had found she was devastated when she was told it was time to leave. At the time, an expression of pity was plastered on the face mother of the young designers face. In honest, the scene was quite a beautiful one, if not a sad one.

Peter had been gifted with the address of where Marinette and her parents lived, a place soon turning into a bakery, a successful one at that. The two youngsters had kept in contact via letters, eventually phones as they grew older.

Tony was still unaware of anything. He had never met Marinette. In fact, he thought everything was going fine. That, it was for a while. Until Peter couldn't take it any longer.

The hero ran away. Each day, he worked harder to protect the lives of citizens but each day, the credit was stolen. He'd felt like he'd done nothing each time he saved the everyone. The feeling of the power he held was weighing him down. And it was horrible that he didn't even realise how much of a saviour he was.

He went to Paris, entering the bakery in hopes of being given directions to a place he could stay. He didn't expect an invite to live with them until further notice. The invite sent by Sabine, whilst her daughter was at School.

"Any friend of Marinette's is welcome here. That means Chloe, Adrien, Luka, anybody really. And as her first friend, I know how much of a delight it'll be to have you here."

And Sabine was speaking in honest. It was obvious how much Peter's arrival would benefit Marinette. In a way her other friends couldn't.

Chloe was still working on her character development. She was struggling to communicate well, shyness overtaking all her actions. Amusing, in a few ways. But mostly yet another pitying sight. (Imagine a shy Chloe. I find it funny, sorry if it's a bit mean lol. I'm not gonna lie to you all. Comment if you agree. Or disagree. I don't know. I'll try to respond.)

Adrien was unsure. Between high road and making sure his friend Marinette was okay, he found himself struggling to cope. His anger grew, mostly at himself, and he found himself in a situation he didn't know what to do.

Luka was trying. He was trying to convince his sister Marinette was innocent, all his attempts in vain as Lila continued to spew her bull. Another amusing situation, depending on which way you look at it. (Or am I just mean? I'm imagine a crying Luka begging his sister. He obviously won't be crying but the thought is extremely funny. I'm sorry I just can't. xD)

And Marinette was falling under the struggle of being Ladybug. Her hands trembled each time she found herself looking at anything that symbolised luck. It was just a cruel reminder of her responsibilities.

Sabine knew of the pressure. And after some extreme research, she was aware of Peter's trouble. She suggested a heart-to-heart between when Marinette returned home.

The result was sorrowful. They'd ended up crying into each other's arms, knowing they wouldn't let go until the other was okay.

Hope you enjoyed. I might make a second part if asked. You guys can choose. Platonic Peternette everyone. Not romantic. It's a sibling relationship.

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