Talk Dirty - Ft Jason Todd - Maribat

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Marinette sighed as she logged onto YouTube. She was going to be checking out her friend's song. She had moved to Gotham five months ago and had almost immediately made friends with a man named Jason Todd. He had been singing and she couldn't help but be impressed. It was one of the best voices she'd heard, saying a lot as she's heard from all the latest celebrities.

It didn't take long for a contract to get signed and a song to be released. An epic song, if I might add. Although the two were partners, it hadn't taken long got a huge friendship to evolve. Both encouraged each other with love and support and had recently posted a song on youtube. Recently meaning two weeks ago.

Marinette inhaled as she typed it up. 'Talk dirty - Ft Jason Tood'. The results were immediate, almost as if the search had been expected. The first result, having 17Million views, was indeed the exact video she had been looking for.

The bluenette could barely hold in excitement as she lifted herself. She ran towards the Manor, Jason having given her the address in case anything every went on. As the door was answered by what seemed to be the butler, she was quick to show the contract, evidence she indeed knew Jason as she was let inside the madhouse called the Manor.


Jason groaned as he sat on the couch. Dick had interrupted a call he was about to make to Marinette, regarding making another song, saying he heard something on YouTube that seemed his style. The man had begrudgingly lifted himself, in favour of getting the moment over him and done. He didn't even hear the doorbell ring as he followed his elder brother, his thoughts blocking all the noise. And apparently nobody else heard, or they just ignored it, nobody made a move to head to the door. Or is it cameras? I don't know, sorry.

Jason sighed as he seated himself. His brother Tim had already searched up the letters T and A on the the TV of the Manor in YouTube when the living room door suddenly slammed open. Jason couldn't help but widen his eyes at the fact Marinette was standing there, seemingly happy and bursting. As she spotted him, she stormed her way over.

"Jason! Your song blew up, it's great!" And as if they weren't before, the Waynes all stared at the exchange, all attention making way to the exchange. Jason couldn't help the bead of sweat that rolled down his forhead.

"Song? What song? Are you going coo coo? You have the crazed looked in your eye you senile being." He sighed, trying to play it cool. The younger girl just shook her head at him, looking at the television. She looked at the letters before letting her eyes slide to the remote before she looked at Tim.

"Are you searching that new song, Talk dirty?" She asked. Tim's only response was to furrow his eyebrows in confusion as he stared at her. Cass seemed to understand what was going on, a smile playing on her lips. Dick look confused. Jason looked like he wanted the world to swallow him whole whilst Bruce and Damian showed no sign of emotion.

Jason exhaled, summoning all notice to him. He stared at the contract and then the TV. Then he sighed yet again.

"How much views? 100, 200? You get excited over so little Pixie." He said. Marinette just raised her eyebrow at him.

"Is 17 Million too little for you?" She asked.

Dedicated to @Miraculousfan44 who suggested this! Hope it was good, feel free to ask as well amyone!

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