Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Tommy Young became a household name the moment Caddel stepped into the picture and promised him greatness with a signature on paper. Now owning his own venue, having an army of racers at his disposal, and profiting big time without even having to touch the wheel, he was the king of the streets. Well, he was the king of the streets, serving under the king of the world. And if there was one thing someone should always remember about Tommy Young, it is that you do not cross him and you do not lie to him. He is not the one to forget the smallest incidents and holds those mistakes against you for forever and more.

To receive a phone call from Tommy Young was terrifying unless one was family and currently Andrei was speaking with Tommy in a cold tone.

"Yes, I know him," Andrei spoke clearly through the phone. "We are friends."

Zara understood immediately whom they were speaking of. Damien's identity was discovered and he could no longer be Redlight. Her mind ran through ideas and scenarios of how to help her friend out of this situation. She was about to move when Andrei's arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back down, causing the woman to make a face.

"And why does this concern me?" Andrei asked.

She could hear the muffled voice of Tommy threatening and weaving stories into Andrei's head. Zara reached for the phone to tell Tommy to shut the fuck up, but Andrei pushed her hand away. He didn't need her help. After all, he was the most powerful man in the world and could probably pull Tommy's strings.

"I still don't understand how this concerns me."

Andrei was playing a game with Tommy and it was a game that she knew he would win. Of course he cared about the safety and identity of Damien, of course Andrei wanted to protect his best friend. But he had to play his cards right and never allow Tommy to have the upperhand. He didn't know what Tommy truly knows about Damien and his situation.

"Tommy Young," Andrei chuckled. "Do not tell me that was a threat because I will have your entire underground operation destroyed within twenty-four hours and your name erased from this world if it was."

Was it terrible that Zara found that hot? She couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, I am," Andrei replied. "Do you wish to speak with her?"

The sound of Tommy's response was short as Andrei handed Zara the phone and continued to pull her closer around his body. Zara rested her cheek against his shoulder and placed the phone to her ear.

"Hey Tommy," she greeted.

"Hello princess," he replied and she could imagine him smiling through the phone. "I understand that you are still on house arrest and will be for quite some time. Thus, this is me telling you to go ahead and say your goodbyes to your friend Damien Williams before he leaves this world without his hands and eyes."

Her entire heart dropped at the thought of Tommy skinning Damien alive. Damien was young and talented with his whole football career ahead of him, most likely to be picked in the first round of the NFL draft after college. He was holding his family together, dealing with both of his parents and their issues, and racing in order to gain money for his mother's spending habits. Damien, sweet and kind Damien who she had known since they could walk.

"And what led to this idea?" Zara was able to ask with ease, sounding unbothered. She was glad that her tone was so neutral and was surprised when she spoke.

"Your friend stole my 1954 Talbot Lago Grand Sport earlier today."

Shaking her head, she didn't bother to hide her disbelief as a laugh left her lips. Zara looked to Andrei who just shrugged, acknowledging that Tommy had told him the same thing. "Dame's not stupid, Tommy," she told him. "He would know better than to steal from you."

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