Chapter Thirty

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Zara arrived past midnight at her front door step to find not only Enzo and Kenji's cars in the driveway, but Damien and Andrei's. Fucking hell. She was still dressed in the same clothes from the other day, same purse and same hairstyle. Zara unlocked the door to find Sam walking down the stairs with a worried look on her face.

"They're in the living room," she told her.

Zara nodded her head as Sam squeezed the girl's hand and went to the kitchen. This wasn't going to be fucking good. When she entered the living room, all four of the boy's faces were fucked up. Cuts, bruises and blood. They had bandages placed on top of the awful wounds and ice packs on different body parts. Fabian and Giovanni perked up when they saw Zara enter, both of them acknowledging her presence before leaving the room in the direction of the kitchen. The two of them were smart. Neither of them were injured.

All four of them looked up when Zara set down her handbag on the table. Enzo and Kenji sat on one side of the room, Andrei and Damien on the other half. It was the first time Zara had seen Andrei in person since their pool house night. She met his eyes and raised her brow as she walked directly to the small cart in the corner to pour herself a drink. The emotions she sensed from all of the boys: anger, shame, sorrow and worry. She had a feeling of what had happened within the twenty-four hours she was gone.

"Would anyone like to explain?" she casually asked as she chose the bourbon.

Her back was turned from the boys, but she knew they all were sharing eye contact. By the time she finished pouring herself a drink and turned around, none of them had spoken.

Zara took a small sip. "No one brave enough to talk?"

Damien was looking at his feet while Kenji stared at the painting across the wall. Enzo ran his fingers through his hair and took a sip of his own drink while Andrei met her eyes again. Zara didn't back down from his stare.

"Well your problem should be taken care of by Friday, Enz," Zara said, still looking at Andrei. His wounds weren't as bad as the others. "They all want to meet with you after that."

Still no one spoke. From the corner of her vision, she saw Enzo nod his head and drain the rest of his cup. He was holding a cloth to the side of his face. All of their knuckles were fucked up. All of them were pissed off.

"Can someone fucking speak please?" Zara sighed and finished off the rest of her drink. She set the glass cup next to her handbag.

Still, no one did.

Rolling her eyes, the girl picked up handbag and said, "When you're all ready to grow up and speak, I'll be in my room."

She knew they all watched her leave, specifically Andrei whose eyes bore into her skin. It took everything in her not to look back and go into his arms.

Zara arrived into her bedroom, placing her gun back into its ivory case and gold jewelry in their rightful places. Luckily, she didn't have to use... scratch that. She did have to use the gun, but didn't have to fire a shot. Most of the bosses and heirs were cooperative, many of them had to be put in their place for disrespecting the others and herself. She had to remind them who the fuck she was and why the fuck she wouldn't take their shit. Enzo had a lot of meetings in his future and a lot of arguments with the others if he chooses to form alliances.

She stripped off her clothes and hopped into the shower, taking a long hot shower and even took the time to shape her eyebrows afterwards. The girl dried her hair and slipped into a silk nightgown after completing her skin routine. Zara even had time to shape her nails and paint them a nice nude color with a coat of silver glitter that would match her Homecoming gown. It was only a couple days away. After letting her nails dry, she checked her phone and replied to Cersei's text, making up an excuse of why she wasn't in school and then caught up on mountains of homework until it was four in the morning.

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