Chapter Forty-One

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They met on the rooftop of an abandoned parking garage. There weren't any buildings surrounding the place, any hiding spots where they were exposed and could be shot from above. No, the location was perfectly outside of the city in no man's land where the sound of a bullet leaving the gun wouldn't notify the police. Not that the Golden Boys were planning on having a showdown at the moment. No, they weren't that bored, it was simply a precaution.

It was nearly four in the morning when Kenji's men pulled up in a large black SUV right next to their cars. One of his guards hopped out of the vehicle and spoke quietly to Kenji who was nodding his head as the man went on and then patted the back of the car. Lola Verlice was secured in the trunk, most likely gagged and perhaps knocked unconscious which was mercy compared to what Tommy Young would do when he discovered the truth about his traitor.

Andrei leaned on the hood of his car, right in between Enzo and Damien. Their cigarette was halfway done as they had been taking turns, not Damien of course, but the other two greedily took a hit and then reluctantly passed it on. Sam was sitting in the car with Gio and Fabian, no doubt arguing with Fabian about cooking. None of the boys were surprised when Sam agreed to come along for one last ride and all were eager to finish the ride quickly.

They had been up for more than twenty-four hours, driving around the city nonstop. Enzo needed to return back home to deal with some mafia shit, Kenji had to prepare for the next fight as he had important guests attending the event, and Damien had practice fairly soon and wanted a quick nap before going. As for Andrei, he only wished to return to Caddel territory to hold Zara, even if it meant that he must deal with Caddel and his sharp tongue. Andrei had caught his girl up to date about the catastrophe and wasn't surprised that she was still up.

"Oh, did she really?" Zara had asked when Andrei told her about Lola Verlice. The disappointment was evident in her tone. "I had always liked her since we first met. Sure, she was distant and not as friendly, but I never thought she'd do this to anyone. She's Tommy's right hand woman and has been his closest friend for years. I don't understand why she'd do that."

Honestly it didn't make sense to Andrei as well. He had crossed paths with Lola a couple times throughout his life and she might have been cold to him, but she never seemed like a backstabbing bitch. Truth be told, Andrei didn't quite care enough about Lola, but he knew that Damien and Zara did in their own way.

"I'll let you know what she says," Andrei had told Zara softly.

"Hey Zarita!" Enzo had shouted. "Did you know that Sam is a badass killer?"

"What?!" Zara had exclaimed.

Then the Golden Boys proceeded to explain everything in detail about their encounter with Foreman and Kenji's new profound love towards her babysitter. Just as they were about to get to the part where they had allowed Sam time with Foreman, they all heard Caddel's voice in the background calling Zara away and demanding to give him the phone. Zara had quickly said her goodbyes and wished them luck before hanging up.

"Where the fuck is he?" Enzo muttered impatiently. The cigarette was now a butt and the man dropped its decays on the ground, crushing it with his toe. "It's past four."

The dim lights hanging above where they stood flickered on and off. They would know when Tommy and his crew arrived because the entire garage would shake.

"Maybe he's out looking for Lola," Damien suggested. "Whenever he goes to do anything important, he wants his entire inner circle present."

Kenji pranced up to join the boys, rubbing his hands together with what looked like to be hand sanitizer. They spotted the sight of red droplets on his wrists. "She's still conscious, angry, and vicious," he announced happily. "Thrashing around in the trunk as we speak."

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