Chapter Twenty-Two

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Zara didn't talk to Andrei for the rest of the trip. The rest of the weekend she spent with Elodie, trying to fill her head with other ideas and thoughts other than Gray's words. They had a long conversation after their three minute dance, taking it outdoors to the gardens until Andrei found them sitting on the bench talking... well, Zara yelling at her ex-fiancé. When she spotted Andrei near the rose bushes, she said her final goodbye to Gray and left with her date without another word. Andrei didn't ask what the fuck was going on because he saw something he had never seen before.

Zara Caddel was crying.

The boy only helped her out of his Jaguar when they arrived back at the townhouse and gave a small squeeze to her hand before she locked herself into her room. Now, happily back home, Zara skipped the entire rest of the week and claimed she caught a harsh cold. Sam wrote her a note and didn't press on the matter when Zara only said his name. Cersei came to check on her as did Damien, Enzo and Kenji, but Sam sent them all away. Zara answered her texts and phone calls, claiming that it was too contagious. She received many flowers, cards and sweets from families and school students that decorated the bottom floor of the mansion.

After a week of sulking, she wanted to get out of the house and do something crazy. She called up Tommy and asked if he knew anything fun she could do. He gave her a list of clubs to look up until he got the idea, "Why don't you go to the Fight Club? They opened a new facility in town and the fights are said to be bloody."

Good, she needed to see some blood at the moment.

Next thing she knew, she snuck out of the mansion and called a car service to be dropped off a couple of blocks from the place. Dressed in a pair of baggy jeans, a black tank top, and her leather jacket, she flashed her fake ID to the bouncers up front. Tommy had pulled some strings to get her in and all she had to do was show this fake ID that didn't look like her.

She found herself standing in the back of the crowd by the entrance because the place was already packed with spectators. The alcohol and drugs filled the air along with the screams of the fans. From where she stood, Zara was able to peek through the cracks of bodies to see the arena in the center of the room and a man being dragged out. He just got the shit kicked out of him and wasn't moving. Damn, was he even alive? The victor in the ring boasted over his win by calling out to the people and pumping his fist in the air.

"Your champion, the Bulldozer!" the announcer shouted.

The yells grew louder and louder as the people rose to their feet. Zara couldn't help but smirk at the sight as popcorn and trash were all thrown at the cage surrounding the ring. Everyone was chanting for the Bulldozer and wanting another battle. Bulldozer, what a ridiculous name, but it was definitely fitting for the man.

"I challenge the Mountain!" the Bulldozer screamed. "No more hiding in your private box! Come fight me like a man!"

More cheers echoed inside of the room along with people rattling the cage.

"Come fight me, you coward!" the Bulldozer screamed and pointed towards a dark screen on the opposite end of the room, most likely the private box. "Show us why you're the supposed King of the arena! That you actually have skill and not here just to take our money!"

The shouts sounded like screeches and she noticed how the crowd began moving closer to the cage, shaking it harder and harder.

Zara guessed the Mountain was the owner of the Fight Club. From what Tommy told her, he owned many Fight Clubs around the nation and was planning on expanding it overseas. The rumors said the Mountain was fucking scary and could beat someone to death without trying his hardest. The Bulldozer looked like an idiot and probably was for challenging the owner of the club. There was a reason why the Mountain had a reputation.

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