Chapter Four

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Enzo stayed in her home and didn't go to school for the next week. He would come downstairs and eat dinner with her whenever Sam wasn't around, she wouldn't ask questions except about how he was feeling (though it pained her not knowing what the fuck happened), and they fell into this uncomfortable routine. The entire school always noticed when a Golden Boy was missing. The rest of the Golden Boys fended off questions as did Cersei and Zara who only shrugged and changed the subject. Eventually when Enzo could walk without showing visible aching, Zara covered up some of his facial wounds with makeup and he went to school with her. The way he was able to play the role of being "perfectly fine" deserved an Oscar.

"How was the math test?" Cersei asked Zara as they both left their classroom to head to the parking lot. Cersei had cheer practice and Zara was going to drive Enzo back to her place.

Zara shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I couldn't solve the last problem, so I guessed it."

"Did you get 143?" Cersei questioned as they rounded the corner, waving to whomever called their name and putting on a smile.

"Shit," Zara muttered and Cersei gave her a guilty look. She did not get that answer.

"You'll still get an A," her friend encouraged.

"Hopefully," Zara said. Or else father would kill me. She didn't need to give her dad any reason to return home, especially with Enzo staying in the room next to her. "I'll see you later?"

"Three o'clock at my house tomorrow! Don't be late!" Cersei called.

"Your mom is too nice," Zara told her friend. "I really don't need a welcoming party."

Cersei tossed her hair back as they reached the front. "Oh please. My mom loves you and is always looking for an excuse to throw a party. Besides, the real party will be in the pool house. We'll make our rounds and then sneak out there afterwards."

Zara grinned. "I'll need all the alcohol I can get in order to get through this."

"Luckily, you're friends with me and I have an unlimited storage supply."

Their laughter was carried across the air as the two friends parted. Zara found Enzo talking with the rest of the Golden Boys by their vehicles. She inserted herself in the empty space of the circle and rested her head against Kenji's shoulder.

"Ready?" she asked Enzo who was leaning against Damien's car.

"We were going to get dinner, wanna come?" Kenji asked before Enzo could reply.

"Sure, where to?"

They ended up in a small diner towards the edge of town. Damien didn't come because he had football practice and Andrei had to leave for family business. Kenji, Enzo, and Zara all ordered burgers, fries, and milkshakes. The jukebox was playing some eighties toons while the three sat in the otherwise vacant, old school restaurant. She loved the neon lights and signs, how the cook and one waitress wore roller skates as they cooked and served, and how inviting the atmosphere was.

"How did you find this place?" she asked the boys.

"Stumbled upon it after coming back from a club," Enzo replied with a smile. "All of us were fucked up and wanted coffee, this was the first place in Google Maps."

Zara laughed. "You'll have to show me this club later on."

Kenji balled up the straw wrapper and flicked at Enzo's face. It hit him in the nose.

"We should take a little trip," Kenji said. "My family owns a private island which is only three hours by plane. We could go next weekend and skip Friday and Monday."

"What sparked this idea?" Enzo mused as he tossed the straw wrapper at Kenji's nose.

Kenji caught the wrapper right before it hit his nose. Zara was surprised. She didn't realize he had that quick of a reflex.

"I'm bored and I think we all could use a vacation," Kenji said.

Something about his words were off. Zara glanced over to Enzo who only studied the boy in front of him. He knew something was up too. Zara knew boys too well. If they didn't want to talk about their feelings, you shouldn't push them.

"I think it'd be fun," Zara agreed. "Can Cersei come too?"

"'Course Cece can come," Kenji smiled, his foul mood fading away with a blink. "And Dame and Andrei. It'll be like old times except we'll have the place to ourselves."

The boys moved on to talking about the newest model of a car. Zara started to toon out until she heard the bell chime when the door of the diner swung abroad. She saw three tall men dressed in dark clothes and heavy jackets enter. The waitress moved from behind the counter to the safety of the kitchen door as the men glanced her way. The boys noticed the commotion as well and stopped talking as the three men strolled towards them. She could see their hands hear the pockets of their jacket, one of them actually had his hand inside of his leather jacket and was grabbing something. It was something large...

It was a fucking gun.

She breath caught as all three men drew their weapons and aimed it at the school kids sitting in the booth. Zara saw the boys exchange a small, annoyed look. Neither of them moved. She was fucking annoyed too, more confused to why neither of them seemed surprised. Honestly, the girl was not as terrified as she should've been. It wasn't the first time someone pulled a gun on her either.

"Come," one of the men spoke with the tiniest hint of an accent.

Zara had a feeling she knew who he was addressing. From the corner of her eye, she saw Enzo reach for his jacket and the men moved their aim to her friend. To her amusement, Enzo pulled out a single cigarette and a lighter. He lit his own and took a hit.

"Lorenzo D'Angelo," the man spoke again. "Come with us now."

The gun moved closer to his temple. Zara was sitting to the left of Enzo, near the window and saw that her friend didn't even stiffen when the metal touched his head.

"Listen to me," the man growled.

Enzo took another hit and kept his eyes trained forward. It appeared that Enzo and Kenji were having a silent conversation.

"Fucking shoot, mio amico," Enzo said calmly and took his fifth hit.

Zara didn't know whether to laugh at his boldness or scream at him for his stupidity. The man with his gun pressed to Enzo's head turned off safety.

"Do I need to pull the trigger for you?" Enzo teased with a cat-like smile.

The man never got a chance to respond because the next thing she knew, a fork was lodged into his neck and he started choking on his own blood. Before she knew it, Kenji was out of his seat with her utensils and slashed the man closets to him across the neck while Enzo took his own knife and stabbed the last man. All three were dead.

Zara had just witnessed her friends murder three men. Their corpses were staring back at her and she stared back.

"Zarita?" Enzo asked. He had blood all over his arms, but not as much as Kenji whose entire shirt was soaked. Both of them stood over the bodies.

"Enz," she replied. Her voice was extremely calm.

"Are you alright?" Kenji questioned carefully after sharing a look with his friend.

Zara swallowed down the food coming up her throat and nodded her head. "What are you going to do with the bodies?" she managed to ask.

"I have people to take care of them," Enzo said as he used a napkin to wipe the blood from his wrists and placed the utensils on the table. "I'm sorry we brought you here. We didn't think they would come today. You're surprisingly calm."

"It's not my first time seeing murder," she said. "I want an explanation."

Kenji and Enzo had another silent conversation.

"Can we at least get our food to go?" Kenji asked.

that was intense guys. now we know that enz and kenny are badass killers, it's not the first time zara's seen murder, and kenny j wants some food. how do you think kenny and enz will explain this shit to zara? next chap already up!

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