Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Thankfully, Enzo and Kenji didn't ask what the fuck that conversation was about. They didn't even point out her tear stained eyes that she knew would be puffy in a few hours. Instead, they listened to music as they went back to her home. There, Zara told the boys to go get dressed while she did the same. She settled for a black business dress, stilettos and simple gold jewelry. The girl even put on some makeup to look older, style her hair into a swirl and found herself staring at the ivory case in her closet. It held her gun. A beautiful and custom made weapon that her father bought her for her fourteenth birthday.

She hadn't opened it in a year, hadn't used it for two years. Zara unlocked the box using a small key and removed the weapon. It felt cold to the touch and so natural to hold. She stuffed it into her handbag and met the boys downstairs. Giovanni, Fabian and Sam were waiting as well. Sam's expression was filled with concern until she laid her eyes upon Zara as she walked down the stairs. The concern turned into awe and knowing. She knew what the black attire, stilettos, gold jewelry and handbag meant. She knew who was standing before her.

"We're going to this address," Zara told the boys and handed a piece of paper to Giovanni that she assumed was driving. "I'll meet you all outside."

The dismissal was clear. She knew that Giovanni and Fabian were not used to taking orders from anyone besides Enzo, so they looked towards their boss to confirm.

"You haven't told us what the hell is going on," Enzo said with his arms crossed.

"You'll see when we get there," Zara replied and flashed a smile. Though her smile were playing nice, her eyes told him to fucking move his ass outside.

Nodding his head, all of the boys followed him outdoors to get into the vehicle.

"Did my father tell you everything?" Zara asked Sam.

Sam nodded her head. "He asked if I knew, I told him I did."

"Sam, you shouldn't have!" Zara exclaimed. "You could lose your job! Or..." worse.

Sam pulled the girl into a hug. "After this year, I would no longer be employed as you would be an adult and don't need a caretaker," her friend pointed out. "I promised I would never lie to your father and I have for the past six months. Now the charade is up and the old Zara has returned. You have the gun?"

Zara patted her handbag. "I do."

"You finally took it out," Sam smiled. "What made you put on the outfit and hold the gun again? It's been a little while."

"I'm tired of sitting on the side lines and watching everything fall apart. I've been gone for too long and the Golden Boys have helped me realize that I need to get my shit together." Zara squeezed Sam's hands. "I'm going to help my friends out and take charge of my life. I'm going to find my son and raise him. And then I will try to get back on my father's good side and start training to take over the company."

"And what of Andrei?"

A smile appeared on her lips. "I know I want him to be part of my life. He told me he cares for me and wants to meet our son. He wants to share the responsibility with me."

"That's great news," Sam said. "Just be careful with him."

"You sound like Tommy," Zara frowned.

"Well Young may be psychotic and a jackass, but it takes one to recognize one."

Zara laughed. Tommy and Sam never liked one another. They first met when Zara got into some shit a while back and Sam came out with her to her first race. The main reason Zara snuck out of the house was to avoid confronting Sam and saying she was visiting Tommy. She never understood the beef between them and was slightly terrified to ask.

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