Chapter Two

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Shop class was a blur and as Zara predicted, she was the only girl in that class. They went over the basics of woodworking, instructions on how to use the tools, and safety procedures. She ended up working by herself on the assigned project, to build a piece of furniture from scratch, since the boys that did want to partner up with her seemed annoying and toxic, and the boys that did not want to partner up with her were also annoying and toxic. Zara was happy to leave that class and find Cersei at lunch with her minions.

"How well do you know the Golden Boys?" Bree asked her when she sat down.

Zara picked at her salad. "They're like family to me."

"You're so lucky," Katie commented with a sigh.

"I guess?" Zara said, not knowing what else to say. She glanced over to Cersei who just rolled her eyes and continued her conversation with that Beckett guy.

"Do you know Enzo's favorite color?" someone else chimed in. "I was thinking it was a dark red, but someone told me it was green."

"What about Kenji's favorite snack?" another girl asked.

"That man is a snack," a girl snickered. Everyone giggled to that.

"I heard Damien's into blondes," a blonde girl said, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

Someone scoffed. "No he's not. Didn't you see that model he hooked up with last week?"

"Preferences can change within a week," the blonde girl snapped.

Oh shit. This was getting too much for Zara. She quickly texted the Golden Boys and asked for one of them to save her.

"Did you hear that Andrei and his girlfriend finally broke up?"

Andrei had a girlfriend? Zara was surprised. He was never the type to be loyal.

"He's single!" a gaggle of girls exclaimed and their conversation began to build off of that to how they wanted to... nevermind, it got very descriptive.

And just as Zara was about to chuck her fork at that blonde, her savior arrived.

"Zarita," she heard Enzo coo.

Zara didn't bother to suppress her grin as she grabbed her belongings. She ignored the glares of some of the girls and curious looks from the boys. "See you," she told everyone at the table and was thankful to be leaving.

"Bitch," Cersei muttered with a knowing smile.

Love you, she mouthed back and went to join Enzo who was standing at the edge of the table with his bag, chatting nicely to some girls and boys.

The two of them walked out of the cafeteria and went outside.

This quickly became a routine everyday. Either Enzo or Kenji would pick her up from the table and she'd hang out with them outside. Sometimes Damien would join them unless he was flirting with some girl or with his football team, strategizing and watching film. Zara had yet to see Andrei and wondered where he was, though she didn't dare to bring it up in conversation. It seemed that he had work to do for his family's company and would not be back in school until next week. Zara didn't understand why Cersei wasn't more involved in the company. She knew that her family was very old school, but her mother was a feminist and loved her daughter that she'd be willing to bicker with her husband about it.

After a week of girls and boys trying to pry more information about the Golden Boys from Zara, she was glad it was Friday. Cersei took deliberty of inviting all of the upperclassmen to their party at Zara's the day before and the two girls skipped last period to set up. They locked all the valuables away, removed the breakables from sight, and alerted the house's caretaker Sam about the party. Samara, or Sam for short, had been Zara's caretaker since she could walk and was now used to her antics. Zara and Sam made a deal freshman year that any parties she throws, she'd have to do all the cleaning afterwards. Zara, reluctantly, agreed to her terms.

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